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depressed right now..


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Serious girlfriend? IN HIGH SCHOOL? The fuck?



On a more serious note, I'm with BPants. In 6th grade I was an EMO fa****. I cut myself and all. At some point, during one of many sleepless nights, I decided "To hell with what people think of me." Now, I'm in a much better place.



ON THE GIRLS PART: Find a girl like you. I seriously cannot give better advice than that. If she really likes you, she'll support you.


Tell Green I say hi.

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i was talking to one of the injured b-ball girls today! we talked about why she transferred to our school and we talked about some other stuff.


then i turned the corner and she was kissing another guy....fml


That's not something you should be concerning yourself with, honestly.

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i'm not saying like clear the whole balcony. just like i jumped over and slid down the bars and let go.. it was like 10-15 foot drop wasn't that far.


Seriously fake and gay......the best way to get a girl is to be yourself. If they dont like you then deal with it. You will never be happy faking that you are a badass. Stop acting like a tool and be yourself the best advice I can give you. It worked for me and now I am very happy. I have been dating my soon to be wife for more than 3 years and am perfectly happy. Doing shit like jumping off of balconies is just stupid and idiotic. Its the best way to get yourself killed not get a girlfriend. :) I love you fox and you will find someone and cheer up I promise just be the fox and nipples I love. You will find someone who loves you just as much as all of HG loves you!

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Seriously fake and gay......the best way to get a girl is to be yourself. If they dont like you then deal with it. You will never be happy faking that you are a badass. Stop acting like a tool and be yourself the best advice I can give you. It worked for me and now I am very happy. I have been dating my soon to be wife for more than 3 years and am perfectly happy. Doing shit like jumping off of balconies is just stupid and idiotic. Its the best way to get yourself killed not get a girlfriend. :) I love you fox and you will find someone and cheer up I promise just be the fox and nipples I love. You will find someone who loves you just as much as all of HG loves you!


I mean.. I do that not to impress girls? that's just how i am.. sorry? i'm dumb sue me. lool<3

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I'm the same exact boat as OP. It sucks.


will you go out with me sometime? i love you bort<3



but seriously fox. be real with her. if there is a certain girl you like. tell her, she'll probably think it's cute. tell her "don't get weirded out by this. I'm just telling you to get it out there. I really like you i think you're beautiful. (never say shes hot never it's not a compliment)


continue to talk to her. if she doesn't talk to you a whole lot well chances are she might not like you. BUT she might be busy with friends doing homework etc. don't just give up. if you ever feel like giving up.. be like Hey ---, I know we've been talking lately and I told you I liked you and I just wanted to know something? can you help me??


She'll say yes almost always then you just continue on and say.. Do you have any interest in me or a connection?.. don't say DO YOU LIKE ME?.. because that's just no.. you're not a 7th grader.


She'll respond to you with a you're a friend or she'll say.. Yea I kinda like you.. Whichever way it goes STILL talk to her. if she likes you continue to talk to her a lot. if she puts you in the friend zone. talk to her a good amount don't just stop. a guy who sticks around for a girl knows you care about her.


she will notice how long you've been there for her.. and if she really is special to you... you could end up scoring a really nice girlfriend..


while talking to her in the friend zone she'll tell you about bad experiences with boys im guessing. use that to your advantage. everything she tells you that's bad that boys have done. write it down implant that into your mind. use it. if you do go out with her. you'll be everything to her. use it with others girls too. don't spend your time waiting for her. but don't drop her like a hot potato either..


date other girls.. maybe she'll see that and say well hey i'm kinda jealous and talk to you.. I could help some more but i'm getting tired of typing. if you wanna talk some more tell me bud. anyone on here. i will help you guys. don't be scared. (: <3(Nohomo)

Edited by Sia_^
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@Jess that medication isn't far off ecstasy lmao (which blocks the re-absorbtion of serotonin)


@fox you just gotta remember to keep your head up. Your still so young, i can also say this, im only 18.

Try to go with the flow of things, dont focus on negative. Remember what you have going for you.

Everything happens for a reason, and theres a reason that your still here, so jus kick back and enjoy it for now.

Things will fall into place, I can say that because i'm in your situation a lot.


This'll seem hard but ENJOY school, you dont need to be crazy or fucked up to have a name for yourself.

Youll figure it out in time.


If ya ever need to talk, hit me up.

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1. Having a Crush on a girl.


I'm sure you've had some crushes and they go absolutely no where. That is your fault.

If you like a girl. You have to go up to her... Talk to her. See if you like her as a person.. Ask her if she has a phone.. If she tells you she does.. ask her for her number. If that is to hard.. Say something like.. I really like talking to you.. I have to go right now, Can I call you sometime? Then she'll probably give you her number if she doesn't she might not wanna talk. IT HAPPENS.. Just move on.


When you get her number. Call her and talk to her. Girls like to talk on the phone. Do it later in the day near bed times. Try to say Hey and just have a normal conversation with her while texting her throughout the day. Text her and be like


"Hey wanna talk on the phone? (:"


If she says Not tonight.. try again if she continues with that she just doesn't wanna talk on the phone. Still continue to text her.. if she doesn't text you back really quickly it's ok. She might be busy or with friends or another guy. Still don't give up. Don't get jealous she's with another guy either.


If you really care and like this girl you will stick around with her. She'll notice it. I promise, she'll notice how you've been around through thick and thin.


Talk to her about her problems with boys even if it's hard and makes you jealous. She'll tell you about the wrongs they have done with her and implant them into your head and use them and don't just forget them. In the future maybe you'll go out with her and you can use them and know she doesn't like that, so don't do it.


Girls notice everything, you may not think they do, but they know. If you stick around with this girl. Don't just wait and wait and wait. It'll take some time. Try to do the same thing with some other girls. Maybe you'll find a better girl. If not you could still find yourself a girlfriend that will help you learn.


If you talk to them a lot, if you find to see if she's answering you less and seems to be avoiding her. Ask her.. "I'm sure you know I have a crush on you. I don't wanna make you feel weird.. Do you have any connection or attraction to me?


Never lie to a girl to try to get her to like you. She'll remember it and she will call you out on it in the future. BUT if you do have a skill, such as dancing or singing, girls like that. A LOT. Show them, but don't lie about it. They will call you out on it.


If you lie you lose their trust.


If you talk to them a lot, if you find to see if she's answering you less and seems to be avoiding her. Ask her.. "I'm sure you know I have a crush on you. I don't wanna make you feel weird.. Do you have any connection or attraction to me?


Just you have to work to get a girlfriend. It's not an easy task. You will get turned down. She will put you in the friendship zone, THIS doesn't mean you're still not an option for her.


Don't give up.


2. Dating, Once you have her as a girlfriend


It's not like the movies. You don't get a girlfriend and everything is perfect and you'll get to do anything you want, you have to keep her happy.


Take her out.. not just movie,movie,movie,dinner,movie. I mean go and take her places fun! She'll like you more.


Don't be like all the guys on the internet. GET IN THE KITCHEN Etc. If you do the dishes and laundry SOMETIMES for her or with her. She'll never wanna let you go.


Although don't act like one guy and help her and such, then once you've been together so long just act like she NEEDS you because I'm sure she would leave you still.


Don't be a dick. Use some common sense. You can keep a girlfriend.

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get some x pills and 2 bitches, promise u wont be depressed anymore.

drugs tend to solve my problems


X would only make him more depressed after... (assuming they have any mdma...) Yeah he would be happy while high but the following days will be bad maybe even worse than where hes at now. But there are ways to help yourself avoid this but thats not the topic of this thread.

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Find a girl you like. Challenge her to do something, and make a bet. for example say, whoever wins has to buy the other one a movie or if you win ill take you to the movies. Then lose. Then you can spend a night with her. Talk, see how it goes. The hardest part is having her do something with you. Once you get that down, everything can follow pretty easy. Talk to her everyday, but not to much. If they don't answer a text, don't send another one saying the same thing or did you get that. That is not going to work. If they haven't responded in a long time, just relax. Try again in a few days, maybe all she needed was some space. But don't give up unless they say they dont want to see you/talk with you. Just remember girls express every emotion. Sometimes they need some space, sometimes they need extra talking to. Just use the clues she gives you. and just like everyone else said, dont change urself. You will find someone like you. If you change yourself for someone, it is not going to last. The only way to find a keeper is to be yourself, even if sometimes you don't like to be yourself.

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ive talked to this one girl, but she has a bf.....and I really like her. wwwhat do i do ):


keep talking to her. the guy will goof up and if you're there she'll tell you about it. comfort her. if he really messed up tell her she doesn't deserve it.


2 days ago i told this girl that I had a little crush on her and she has a boyfriend and she said he boyfriend was becoming really insecure and she was getting annoyed and then i went to her house and talked to her about it.. and we were talking all last night on the phone and she put me on hold then when she was back she said she was single.


door opened. (:


i'm handle it.

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