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depressed right now..


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hey fox sorry to hear your down man if i wasnt so busy i would have responded earlier but anyways here i go.. so all through high school i was never the popular kid or was i really acknowledged by them other than maybe them making fun of me I get what your going through ive been there and it really sucks i just used anything i had around me xbox, guitar(when i used to play), or pc games and such to help me cope. To this day theres still people that dont acknowledge me or care who i am and to that i could not care. I used to think that what people think of you is what matters but it really doesnt. If someone doesnt like me for something stupid i said or something that fucking retarded unless i did that particularly to them. And as true as it is you do have to be yourself, and dont try to create someone who you are not like i did cause that will also usually backfire on you. I may not have that many friends but the ones i do have are people i trust and respect. F4ithl3ss and I have been friends for about the past 9 or 10 years and I'd pretty much have to say he's my best friend. So all i can say man is dont try to be someone your not, it doesnt end well in the end and for the girl problems they will come i didnt think they would either but i finally did get a girlfriend earlier this year


my main man right here

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Man I'm excited! The same girl that I have been talking about messaged me on face book. We talked a Lil while, but soon enough I had to go for hockey practice and such. After I told her that I was gonna get off Face Book I asked her if she wanted my number so we could text or talk to each other later. Guess what?.....She gave me her number!!! I text her but she didn't text back so maybe she went to sleep or she not around her phone at the moment.

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Man I'm excited! The same girl that I have been talking about messaged me on face book. We talked a Lil while, but soon enough I had to go for hockey practice and such. After I told her that I was gonna get off Face Book I asked her if she wanted my number so we could text or talk to each other later. Guess what?.....She gave me her number!!! I text her but she didn't text back so maybe she went to sleep or she not around her phone at the moment.


Nice workk

If you text her like you did and she didnt respond dont be like FML she hates me

Just wait if she texts back dont send her another text right away asking "hellllloooooo"

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Hey man, you'll be fine. I wasn't popular in high school, bully'd and shit. The other day when I was at the car wash, one of my old bullies was one of the washers. I specifically upgraded to the interior clean so that he would be jealous of what a douche he became and how successful I became. So while he was washing my BMW, I was laughing inside. Remember, bullies always end up being losers and you'll find a girl. My first date was when I was 21. That first girl happens to be my wife. You've just got to wait until the right one.

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fox now heres advice as much as you want to dont text her a good friend of mine(girl) told me when a girl gives you her number wait like avg 2 -3 days before you text her that way your all she thinks about as is when is he finally going to text me ill update when she shares more info with me but im proud of you man

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fox now heres advice as much as you want to dont text her a good friend of mine(girl) told me when a girl gives you her number wait like avg 2 -3 days before you text her that way your all she thinks about as is when is he finally going to text me ill update when she shares more info with me but im proud of you man


AW SHIT, but I did txt her after.....is that bad? cause that's all I did. Oh and ill see her on friday on the bus to he game. What should I do?

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Not nick's version of "chill", it'll get you arrested.


.....what. Also the 2-3 day thing is crap, if you dont text her back in a day it makes you look bad. Why would you ask fer her number and not text. Dumbest thing i have seen on this forum.

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