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HG Banned Song


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I know I know..."Dizy why do you keep making these stupid songs?" --me--"Because i'm bored and feel like it!!!"


Now that we got that out of the way...I was trying to sleep the past hour or so because i've been exhausted ALL day but I couldn't...so I made another song.

This time it's not a full song lmao it's only about half of a song xD


Original Song: Love Song - Sarah Bareilles


Turned Into: Banned Song - DizyVipr



[HG] Banned Song


I'm on jailbreak

and I'm tryin'

to keep peace here for a while.

The ragers keep comming

Even I know that.

You tried to see

if you could stand out and be

a troll without being banned.

But I'm usually

hard to get passed.




You came to

the forums

and made a thread to get unbanned.

You claim that

you didn't do anything.




I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you asked for it

'cuz you need it


I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you claim that you did nothing wrong

I'm not gonna give you an unban today.

If you were gonna cry about it

you should have thought twice about it

but you're not getting unbanned today






I'm sick and tired

of you crying

about what you did.

and I'm starting to think

that it's time to perma you

and you're twistin my words

you're so butthurt

you just can't stand the 2 hour ban


you'll just keep on crying.




You convinced me

to perm you

makin' me think

you're a waste of time.

You got no proof

so just wait the ban out!




I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you asked for it

'cuz you need it


I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you claim that you did nothing wrong

I'm not gonna give you an unban today.

If you were gonna cry about it

you should have thought twice about it

but you're not getting unbanned today




Promise Me

You'll Leave the server now

To help me from

posting on the forum

'Cuz I believe there's a way

for you to leave without being gay




I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you asked for it

'cuz you need it


I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you claim that you did nothing wrong

is that why you wanted an unban?

'cuz you asked for it?

'cuz you need it?


I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you claim that you did nothing wrong

I'm not gonna give you an unban today

If you were gonna cry about it

you should have thought twice about it




Bri, I'll take your SteamID

when I believe you had enough from me


but you're not getting unbanned today




and i know..."Eeeew, Dizy's ugly voice AGAIN?" --me--"GET OVER IT"




Edited by dizyvipr
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Finished lyrics :)


Promise Me

You'll Leave the server now

To help me from

posting on the forums

Cause I believe there's a way

for you to leave without being gay


I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you asked for it

'cuz you need it


I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you claim that you did nothing

is that why you wanted an unban

'cuz you asked for it

'cuz you need it

no no

I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you claim that you did nothing wrong

I'm not gonna give you an unban.

If you were gonna cry about it

you should have thought twice about it


Bri, I'll take yout SteamID

when I believe you had enough from me


but you're not getting unbanned today


The only thing I suggest (while I was singing this myself)


I'm on jailbreak

and i'm tryin'

to keep peace here for a while.

The ragers keep comming

Even I know that.


What is in red is easier when singing it :) So in my version ..I say this


Also ..


I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you asked for it

'cuz you need it


I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you claim that you did nothing wrong

I'm not gonna give you an unban


I took out the "today" because it synced much better with the words of the orginal :)


Hope that was ok! Look forward to finishing up mine and hearing yours :)

Edited by JessicaJoy
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Finished lyrics :)


Promise Me

You'll Leave the server now

To help me from

posting on the forums

Cause I believe there's a way

for you to leave without being gay


I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you asked for it

'cuz you need it


I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you claim that you did nothing

is that why you wanted an unban

'cuz you asked for it

'cuz you need it

no no

I'm not gonna give you an unban

'cuz you claim that you did nothing wrong

I'm not gonna give you an unban.

If you were gonna cry about it

you should have thought twice about it


Bri, I'll take yout SteamID

when I believe you had enough from me


but you're not getting unbanned today


The only thing I suggest (while I was singing this myself)




What is in red is easier when singing it :) So in my version ..I say this


Also ..




I took out the "today" because it synced much better with the words of the orginal :)


Hope that was ok! Look forward to finishing up mine and hearing yours :)


haha actually for the first idea of shortening the first line i ended up doing that too while singing it to myself in class today xD

but i also wrote this song while extremely exhausted and tired and wanting to go to bed so thaks a lot for the help jess :)

i'll add the rest of teh lyrics and fix the song on my comp then record it later n.n

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Thanks everyone for the support in me writing songs :)

Two more songs you guys can look forward to in the future:

A song about how people always complain that admins don't do their jobs

and then a song about how people nitpick the MOTD all the time xD


lol... should be interesting songs, I look forward to hearing them/reading the lyrics

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