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banned for no reason


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yes i play in your server alot and 2day some girl that has admin banned me for no reason.i don't know her name but she has a heart for her steam name she said that i was yelling at her

but in all she could of told me to stop yelling and play the game.it was over something stupid anyways she started it with me i don't see how someone like that should have admin at all cause if you ban someone for no reason than to me they just think that they can do what they want when they want.i have owned my own clan etc. i read the rules of the server and it says that admin's should play and act like normal player's but in this case it did not go down like that.i play on your server all the time and this is the first i seen this person but whatever all i am saying is that this person needs to be talked to and told what the meaning of admin is

i never had a problem in your server the whole time i been in thier never even been kicked but

she didn't even warn me just banned no kick or nothing to me that is admin abuse

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i don't know her name she doesn't have one i only see a heart as her name

her steam id is STEAM_0:1:24733515

bhop server

proof is lama

about 20 minutes ago

she just banned me. was were on exodus map and she said it was glicthed i said no u have to hold down crouch for that part she said she did. i told her no you have to keep it held at all times under thier.well i got to the part and i got stuck also so she started making smart comments like your suppose to hold down crouch just mocking me and than i said i know what your suppose to do and she said cry more. than i said i'm not crying that she was crying than i was banned. so than i went to my other account cause the account that i was on is my nephew's account thats the one she banned.so i logged onto my account and asked her why she banned me she said cause i was yelling? now in the server she just told me that your not going to do nothing about it and said gg so i said to her she is my hero she has problems with admin i hate to say it and if this was my community her admin power days would be over thats in my point of view

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He was banned for an hour. What he wrote was true ..he had told me that you needed to crouch in one area otherwise you get stuck (which is kind of a glitch)


I said, "this map is glitchy ..lets change it .."


Over and over again he said, "it's not glitchy ..you have to crouch to get passed .."


After re-spawning, cause I got stuck ..he saw that he was stuck in the same spot ..


Like a smart ass, I said, "ohh ..you have to crouch to get through there .."


Some more words were exchanged ..he got butthurt because I trolled him ..I banned him for an hour to take a break.


He then came back into the server ..on a different steam account sitting in spec and asking me over and over again .."why did u ban me ..there was no reason to ban me .."


I told him "k ..take it to the forums ..not going to argue with you in the server .."


and here we are.

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lol trolled me i got stuck thier like 3 times before you even came on to the server no words were exchanged and you didn't tell me to take it to the forums lama did he im me.

either way you don't know what admin is for. you use it for your personal use not to help out the server or hg community. i don't even know you but i do know you was waiting for me

me to post this cause i told you that i was going to. you kept watching the site and you also told me that people replied to it. you need to have someone explain the rules to you again

i think you lost them over the time you been admin

Edited by nitehawk09
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