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inb4 grounded


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Okay so I lied when I said to long didnt read, but seriously how immature can you be. The easiest way to stop this since you say you have bruises and stuff. Go to you principles office or whatever the fuck you have and report it. Its not hard to show them what happened. If this is a serious problem which it sound like it is then fix it. This bullshit about hitting her is just a revenge thing that a middle school kid kinda thing to do. If you are in fact a high school student then grow up and fix it like an adult. You are dating one so act like one IMO. I hate to be blunt and I am sure you dont like it, but if you can post on the forums you can take the truth. I love you dizy but come on and end the drama. Fix it by doing the adult thing and call the police aka the principle. :)

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Okay so I lied when I said to long didnt read, but seriously how immature can you be. The easiest way to stop this since you say you have bruises and stuff. Go to you principles office or whatever the fuck you have and report it. Its not hard to show them what happened. If this is a serious problem which it sound like it is then fix it. This bullshit about hitting her is just a revenge thing that a middle school kid kinda thing to do. If you are in fact a high school student then grow up and fix it like an adult. You are dating one so act like one IMO. I hate to be blunt and I am sure you dont like it, but if you can post on the forums you can take the truth. I love you dizy but come on and end the drama. Fix it by doing the adult thing and call the police aka the principle. :)


No, you're right. I do need to do that. I've already come to that realization and i've already made the decision that i'm going to talk to a couple of my teachers about it and tell her to leave me the fuck alone...but honestly...everyone has their "immature" moments and mine just happens to come when people REALLY piss me off...i have no excuses for it other then blaming my bipolar which i don't even think is a good enough excuse. but honestly, if she doesn't leave me alone or try hitting me one more time i'm gonna sock her as hard as i can.

No, i'm not the most mature person in the world, im sorry to dissapoint everyone who thought i was mature all the time, but i do not settle for people talking shit about my friends, and i do not settle for people thinking they can walk over me and treat me like a fucking rag doll like she's been doing.

But yeah, im gonna attempt the "mature" way to go and i'm gonna walk away from it but no promises that it'll stay that way while i'm at school tomorrow because i won't have any music or my closest friend there to calm me down...



:drama: .... <-- seriously


Fighting over ice cream...really? Hitting her for hitting you just brings you down to her level.....lame...


and i don't care if it brings me "down to her level"

I don't see myself as a higher level than her anyways. to me almost everyone is on the same "level"

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good news and bad news lol


good news: I didn't end up getting in a fight with her...she decided to avoid me ALL day that I was there

bad news: I still got suspended from school for 3 days (friday, monday, and tuesday) and grounded for a week because she went to the principle and claimed that i was threatening to kill her and got a bunch of her friends to back it up...


good news: I'm a pro at finding ways to get my mom to unground me so you'll still be seeing me soon

and to top it all off...I'm in a much better mood now for some odd reason lol so more smiles and love to go around from me <3 :)


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