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if you witness the freekill, ask them to slay themselves. if they don't do it slay them. if they are habitually freekilling, warn them. if they freekill a bunch at once and A. don't disconnect or B. don't get t-listed by the auto-slay then teamlock them by !teamlock EXAMPLENAME. Everything else just use the rules and follow the motd, and ask other admins in the server if you are unsure by using admin chat, chances are most have adminned there for a while. this is accomplished by sending a message to your team only with an @ before the message. another other things i missed just check the admin guide found here

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I made a guide awhile back because some admin needed help, so I made it for him. Added some stuff to "modernize" the guide and for new command reasons.


Jailbreak Guide:

Before we start, the rule of never listening to jailbreakers unless you see the person doing the crime would go into affect now.
JB'ers are people who get mad at you and scream at you for "not doing your job." If you're ready, then here we go.

Quotes are needed if there are spaces within the command. This goes for names, ban reasons, etc. 
Kick reasons, times, or messages do NOT need quotes.

Binding Keys: To bind keys, type  :  bind "key" "command"  :  in console!
My binds: (You don't have to use them)
bind "f1" "sm_mute @dead"
bind "f2" "sm_mute @t"
bind "f3" "sm_unmute @alive"
bind "." "sm_unmute @me"

Most used commands in JB.
(console command) 	"chat command" 		Explanation of the command

(sm_kick) 		!kick "name" "reason" 		Kicks the player.
(sm_ban) 		!ban "name" "time" "reason" 	Bans the player for an amount of time with a reason.
(sm_slap) 		!slap "name/@team" "damage" 	Slaps the player/team. Leave damage blank if you want 0 damage.
(sm_slay)		!slay "name"		Slays the player. Note: This command makes people QQ.
(sm_teamswitch) 	!teamswitch "name" 		Switches the player to the opposite team.
idk if it has it	!teamlock "name"		Locks the player to T until he/she disconnnects.
(sm_say) 		@"message" 		Displays a message in chat.

!kick TehPlaayer Constant Disrespect
!ban TehPlaayer 120 "Mass FK" (note that you should also make a T-list report for this)
!slap @t
!slay TehPlaayer
!teamswitch TehPlaayer
@CT's should probably stop baiting before someone gets slayed.
!teamlock TehPlaayer

My "punishment" way:
Regular stuff  :  warn--warn--kick--kick--ban
Constant freekillers  :  warn--warn--teamswitch(to allow them to go back to as a short punishment)--teamlock-- ban 10min (they might reconnect to avoid teamlock.)
Mass freekillers  :  ban--tlist report

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