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Gmod Abuse


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Serious- RP Gmod server around 2:45 AM EST 1/7/2011




I wish my F5 button was working, because I would have screenshots, but unfortunately it didn't therefore I have none.


Anyway...I just introduced my friend, Blebla, to Gmod just the other day, so I've been teaching him new things every day. Today I was going to teach him how to build a proper Counter at his base to sell guns from. I had him make me his buddy for everything this way when i left, the counter would still be there at his base. So i was working on this outside base across from the PD attached to the 3 story building. I hadn't finished yet, but was rudely interupted if I do say so myself. Crosshair was invisible for 5 or 10 minutes prior to this incident so I'm assuming he was watching me build. I built the bottom of the counter just the way I wanted, then I went to work on the top of it...when all of a sudden the props were getting removed. I thought blebla did it, but it wasnt him, it was Crosshair. After he removed all those props, he kicked me with no warning with the reason of propblocking. I would like to ask him personally how he thouht I was prop blocking when I wasn't done building the counter...and I was waiting to no collide 1 side permanently so that anyone could walk through the counter, which wouldnt make it prop blocking.


He didn't even let me finish buiilding, and he gave no warning. He was silent the whole time, and then when I re-joined the server, he wasn't responding. I tried to have JJK help me find him, but of course he was invisible and not talking. I do have a demo of me pming him trying to get a response.


I was kicked for no reason, he removed my props with no warning, and then he bans blebla when he gets mad. But who wouldnt get mad if out of no where your friend who was trying to teach you something got kicked without any commands to stop or delete the props.


I understand that he is a staff member, and that this will probably not get noticed since I don't have real true proof. But how was I to expect when it would happen. I am a newly paid admin for the server, so I know the rules. I had no intentions of propblocking, therefore i could not forsee getting kicked for propblocking.


http://www.mediafire.com/?5551rl6zeecm545' <------ demo of crosshair not responding to pms, and trying to find him. but you are unable to hear my voice.

Edited by Cr(+)sshair
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But there was no way of me knowing this was going to happen, so how could I be expected to take a demo? I knew I wasn't going to propblock so there was no need to worry in my mind. You just going to have to take my word on this one, because I had no intentions of propblocking, and no thoughts of getting kicked. He didn't explain himslf at all, no warning, nothing.


You can't expect me to have proof of something that shouldn't have happened. because I'm not going to demo everytime I play gmod.

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Sorry Zoomer for what happened but the server was in mass chaos with propblockers, surfers, rdmers, and so forth.


When I ran by you, I saw you were putting props in front of blebla's house and deleted them. Yes, I should've asked what was happening. But as soon as I did that, you said "wtf are you doing" and some other mean words so I kicked you for propblocking as assumed. Then your friend blebla said VERY mean things, so he got a temp ban for disrespect.


As for you trying to reach me, I was AFK and probably got kicked for it dealing with stuff out of game.


tl;dr sorry it had to happen this way.

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Yeah, I was mad and I apologize the way I reacted, but when I just got the game and im learning and someone just comes over and removes everything its kinda stupid and it pissed me off. Although Im sorry for getting really upset I thought maybe a warn woulda been nice or atleast a explanation. I tried to come in TS and talk to you but you didnt respond to that either.

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