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I was thinking....


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I was thinking why doesn't HG reach out to the console group of gamers i know that things like this take time and planning and other things but i was thinking it would be cool include console gamers into the clan make some way for it to work im sure this has been thought of before so im just throwing this out there and want to know what you guys think? could it work if so how? and if it cant why?

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It would require a lot of thinking and planning. The problem I see with building a community around console games is I don't see them using the website. We have many members that play console games but they only come to the website because of their PC activities. They just chat via xbox Live or whatever to friends. I'm not sure how it would work, as my xbox360 is covered in dust and I hardly play console games, I would need someone that knows a lot about console game to talk over some ideas with.

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I keep thinking I'm on the wrong website when I see your avatar...

OT: I don't think that HG is designed for console gaming, like Homer said, we're a multi-gaming community, but people only visit the forums because of their PC games etc. If we reached out to XBox 360 and other console gamers it would require them to change their gamer ID's (assuming we'd use tags on the consoles) and there is really no form of advertising other than word of mouth. Getting it all up and running would be quite a difficult task, and in the long run probably wouldn't be worth it.

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Well HT and HG was made for PC games right from the get go and has been ever since. I don't personally see Hg going to a console type gaming, because it would take a lot of time to set everything up for what and how consoles activities are different from a PC (a whole lot). As for what Homer had said before, it would take tremendous time and critical thinking to get this to work. Don't get me wrong here, there are plenty of console gamers here; but have you noticed they don't play them for as long as they do on PC? That's why today a lot of companies are switching their game sales towards PC. More and more PC gamers are out there than there are console gamers. From what Homer said about his just collecting dust in his room or whatever is happening the same time at my house as well. Goes to show that you can do a lot more with PC than a console because there is a lot more communication between the players.

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there is a lot more communication between the players.


Thats what makes the PC games so addictive to me :) the communitys that are forged. If we added in console games there are too many other types of Games that yes if we built ourselves up would work well but it would just be a gaming clan not a community. Everyone here is in a community - sure there are people that dont like others but the majority get on well with each other. Thats what really makes US. Just my two cents :)

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If you know what your doing it is easier to hack on an xbox than PC. No antihack systems and no admin abilities.


couldn't agree with you more 360s are an easy hack has you said they basically have no protection and gamers just dont care to report hackers

Edited by TheFunkMaster
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