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What needs addressing first in Jailbreak?


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um.. well to be completely honest. it might shut out alot of profit in the community.. but disable the ability to BUY admin on jailbreak for awhile and see how it goes with possibly an application system or just chosen admins? I realize this might mean I wouldn't be admin anymore, but I'm out for the best interests of the server and it's playerbase.


If not that then definitely updates to the MOTD; I know nobody wants a three-page tldr motd, but we have way too many unlisted rules that admins like to fight over and players have no idea about until they actually break it..

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LR... it often bugs out and cancels itself and some are just completely broken already.


RE: MOTD - Most things in the server just take common sense. If you are an admin, find "Common Sense for Dummies," read it, then just copy paste text from there to the server on occasion.


RE: Admins - There's too many, but taking out pay admins would take out 90% of the admins on the Jailbreak server including yourself (IPTRER that is). Bad idea... very...


RE: Freekillers/Rulebreakers - I'll just clone myself a million times and make sure I'm on 24/7. But really though, if admins pay more attention to rule breakers and less to spamming "NEVER SAID FREEZE ONCE YOU GET THERE" or trolling each other in admin chat then this is fixed already.

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  Ice Tea said:
Motd, no one reads it anyways, I think if you put a timer on the Motd and an accept/decline button people may get one or two rules down in their puny heads.






jailbreak is as good as it has been in quite awhile with the hard work that crosshair has put into it. Nothing is going to be 100% perfect with any of those categories.



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I agree with what you say Weeman, its more of a starting point, theres not a lot about admins we can do, and lrs are good bar a few glitches, i wasnt meaning any changes to the map itself either but the idea of the motd being on a timer sounds pretty good.


i think that would eliminate a few rule breakers

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Honestly, I like Jailbreak the way it is right now. It could be better though.

I think it's time to start cracking down on finding Good Leads and Bad Leads. Keep the Bad Leads off of CT.

And the tarping, it gets old sometimes. We need to get more LRs by games and less by traps and last/first reaction.


That's just my opinion.

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I Voted Other



Should be taken out completely

-Wastes time looking at the back of cell

-Wastes time crouch walking

-Wastes time waiting for the lead to say "the magical word go"

-Kills Ts in a nonfun way

-why have a 2:1 ratio if at least 1/4 are going to die to cell stairs?


For the other stuff up there


Make it so you have to have a certain play time as T before you can be a CT

-gives time to learn how to play as a T (Very hard to break a rule as a T)



Get rid of all the broken ones



Make it so typing !motd gives all the rules that everybody needs to know and typing !bible gives all the rules that everybody do not need to know

Edited by TheCakeLord
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I voted MOTD, mainly like every has already stated that the MOTD is really long, and the print is small and the rules aren't all there.


IMO the MOTD should be a Separate web page with the basic rules at the top, that explain only the basic concepts and everything else should be able to viewed when that page is scrolled down on. All the banners and pictures aren't really required.


TheCakeLord is also right about the Tarping its not really required, but sometime you need to weed out the derps in order to make the game progress.


As for the Admins, which seems to be winning the vote currently I think that everything everyone else has stated is correct. You can't play with them, you can't play without them.

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I think if they really thought about who they gave admin to and who gets to stay and admin we would be better. I hate when you have an admin on who doesn't know the rules and slays someone or does something stupid. Then you have admins who get reported a lot but nothing happens. There should be some kind of way to weed the shithead admins out

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