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^Book Reader's


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So just picked up this book last night at "Barnes & Noble" its pretty fucking awesome. I was wondering what books are you all reading or recommend? Plz no "Twilight Bull Shit".


I just picked up a similar book... "Rise Again" so far its been kinda boring...


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if you like sci-fi




this series is the tits.


Well, the first book is the best. I also enjoyed Ender's Shadow, but I felt everything after the first and shadow blew.


I just finished reading The Shining and Salem's Lot, I'm working on the trilogy of five books that is the Hitchhikers series, and I'm almost done with the harry potter series again(on number 6).


Yeah, I like reading.

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@GoCrzy I am assuming you have read hamlet before reading that correct, so you have some context.


Yes, sorry forgot to mention that, for some reason I have a tendency to assume everyone is in my literature class :/ But yeah if you have read Hamlet or plan to read Hamlet it is an excellent read afterward, follows two somewhat unknown characters in Hamlet and follows a fascinating existentialist theme.


Speaking of which, reading any Shakespeare is totally worth it if you can get through the language. I personally love Richard III.

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Yes, sorry forgot to mention that, for some reason I have a tendency to assume everyone is in my literature class :/ But yeah if you have read Hamlet or plan to read Hamlet it is an excellent read afterward, follows two somewhat unknown characters in Hamlet and follows a fascinating existentialist theme.


Speaking of which, reading any Shakespeare is totally worth it if you can get through the language. I personally love Richard III.


I can agree on Hamlet, that and Julius Caesar are my favorite. I also love anything that is Michael Crichton(Prey, Jurassic Park, Lost World). And RingWorld by Larry Niven is fucking badass.

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