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Combine Headcrab


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I am making a new NPC for Gmod and HL2




The Combine Headcrab is really more of a reconisance unit, it will record its findings and stream them to the combines inteligence. Combine Headcrabs however do NOT fufill the same role as the shield and city scanner. The Combine Headcrab is more adept to covert infiltration. Although the Combine Headcrab has been modified from a regular headcrab because of its augmented legs has the speed of a fast heacrab and vibrating blades in place of teeth make the bite really nasty and in place of its normal zombifying porcedure it will attach itself to your head, pierce you with its vibrating blades that are soaked in a paralysing neurotoxin and scan you with a lens located where its stomach once was. This scanning process in not unlike city scanners, the scan is sent back to a Combine headquarters and matched to a scan in the combines human database the crab then leaves the victim to die of the poison and continues its mission.


Physical Description:

The back of the crab is metal plating

there is a cylindrical tank mounted on the back that carries its deadly venomn

there is a circular disc on the right side of the crab that acts as a life support so the crab no longer needs food for energy and is sustained by compact dark energy batteries

there are two antenna protruding from its upper back side which are used for streaming data

the mid section of the crab is exposed natural flesh and the only thing that can tell an observer that this thing was once a headcrab

the front of the crab is encased in an even harder alloy that is bullet proof along with an extra set of blades



started the modeling part of this project



it will use the fast headcrabs AI

I will eventually modify the headcrab sounds in audacity and make them sound more mechanacaly synthesised sounding


the hardest part of this projects going to be the texturing

unlike past modeling projects of mine I wont have to make new animations since it will use tha same skeleton as the fast headcab

I will have to make a physmodel which I have done before and should be relatively easy

While I have experience in photoshop I have never made textures from scratch before

and the mesh will a while to complete






made sounds for the npc



legs are all thats left to do then I can move on to temp texturing





mesh is done



temp textures are on


Edited by shad0w440
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well I probably would have saved a BUNCH of time by not doing the wires and pipes and using a Normal map instead. And actually doing the pipes in 3d would make texturing the thing harder but too late now.

UV normal maps are for pansies anyway sure i have an unreasonable amount of extra polygons some in places you would never see and sure I have polygons on the UNDERSIDE of all the pipes and ill texture those even though it not very likely that they will ever be seen in normal game play and yes I AM slightly insane :)

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