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Howdy there guys, This is Tipsy aka Justin i thought i should get on here and introduce myself its been awhile some people still dont know me :( i dont know how im annoying :D


Well im happily married with 2 boys there are quite young but 1 of them is not mine but i treat him like hes my own every chance i get the father was a prick and was thrown in jail for drugs so hes mine his name is Brendon (8 years old) and the other is Donovan(11 years old)


My wife is 28 and her name is Brandy and she is my everything we have so much in commin the word commin is actually abused in the sentence that i say it in. Lol if i havent lost you yet ima tell you about my life.


Im 27 years old and i have gone threw Drugs, Jail, Just about everything to be honest it has not been easy by far what so ever but i have worked threw it and worked my way into college by joining the military for financial aid. After i finished my first 4 years of College i went into Debt of 24,000 Dollars, I made some bad decisions, But i worked threw them, Before i went into College i met my wife Brandy she helped me and influenced me to make the right decisions i knew her in highschool but didnt date untill Senior Year, Best Year Ever..... When i finally paid back my debt with the help of Brandy and her parents we had our wedding and we soon planned for a kid, well when Brandy was first pregnant she had twins by 6 months in it was a Miscarriage, A very tuff time for her always crying hopeing things would get better which they did, Donovan had made it and what the doctors said was a miscarriage was actually only Donovan hope was alive and strong, We moved into a 3 bedroom house and have lived here since.


Now if your in tears by now its hard to believe but it gets better..


Brandys EX she had in highschool got her pregnant and cheated on her thats were i came in and we started dating she had Brendon the father was a drug addict ( she did not know this at the time ) he hit her when he found out she left him for me, I wipped ass but had to think i cant just go and kick his ass ill get thrown into jail, so i called the cops and to be at the best moment the cops showed up at his house with Beer, Weed, Cocaine, and a 9mm Pistol on the table with 2 kids in the house in the back room he was arrested and thrown in jail for 16 years without bail.


Guys if you need help with advice come talk to me iv more and likely been threw it my parents gave up on me when i was first thrown in jail, Come talk to me send me a message i have everything hooked to my phone so ill know if you want to get in contact with me, and dont be affraid ill keep everything to me and you.


But Longstory so long but ending short, Im now employed at Lockheed Martin and is a Computer Technician for them for 2 years now i think ill have to check on that i go to college working for my PhD in Computer Technician and TelecCom/Communications. So i hope i get to know more of you and we can 10man, play gmod, or whatever.


Well this wraps it up so Talk to you guys later.


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i called the cops and to be at the best moment the cops showed up at his house with Beer, Weed, Cocaine, and a 9mm Pistol on the table with 2 kids in the house in the back room he was arrested and thrown in jail for 16 years without bail.


This bit made me lol! p.s. Sig'd! :)

If you dont mind me asking what were you locked up for and for how long? dont answer if you dont want to just thought it would be interesting :) but maaaan you must have had one tough childhood! Nice to meet ya anyway :)

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