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-=Revenant=- banned for some reason


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1. Your in-game name: -=Revenant=-


2. Server that you where banned on: According to your logs I was banned on Office, but I've never played on that server. I play exclusively on 24/7 dust2 at


3. The Banning admin: Your logs say that "Staff" banned me, so I don't know who.


4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:1708779


5. Reason for ban: I honestly have no idea. I remember dropping to spectator from Terrorist but couldn't join T side again because there were too many players, so I joined CT. I killed maybe 3 guys and then got banned. I've been playing on the server for well over a year, so if anyone here plays on the 24/7 dust2 server they should know who I am and that I'm definitely not a hacker. I know it wasn't for racism either, so that rules out the two biggest reasons that I can come up with. If I did break a rule then just let me know which rule I broke and I'll just let this go.



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I just wanted to add that I don't see my steam I.D. (STEAM_0:0:1708779) on the ban reports, so if this is going to stick, I would just like to know what I did wrong.


Thanks in advance.

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