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Crysis 2, Bulletstorm, or Homefront?


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Hey guys! I am stuck between a rock, a hard place, and am on top of a giant skyscraper! I need help! I have $90 and there are three games that I want but don't know which one I should get. I would like some opinions on whether to get Crysis 2, Homefront, or Bulletstorm. Thanks!

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So Call of duty, we wanted to be so different we made fun of call of duty as an advertising campaign, or call of duty.


Bulletstorm was pretty good, just another space marine story, Crysis 2 demo played exactly like call of duty when the first Crysis had a way better multiplayer so I'm HOPING THAT IS ONLY ONE MODE, AND IF ITS THE ONLY MODE FUCK YOU CRYTEK! i would pick out of those 2 TBH

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I plan on getting Crysis 2. Homefront is very repetitive, and gets old very quickly IMHO. Homefront's pretty balanced though, and the multiplayer is fun for the casual gamer.


I haven't played bulletstorm, but by looking at the reviews I have seen, I don't plan on buying that game.


Since you have said you've played the Crysis 2 demo you should know what the game feels like.


Look for reviews man, see what the community is saying about the titles, but don't base your judgement on someone elses. Go with your gut instinct

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Homefront I've barely played but it doesn't look that great.

Crysis 2 is not that amazing, if you've played the original.

Bulletstorm was pretty intense, certain scenes were really amazing but it felt repetitive. The storyline is hilariously lame, and you forget about it because you're too busy mindlessly killing bad guys.


Problem with all 3 games is that gameplay is not that enjoyable, it's all the same stuff we've seen before, just modern recycled FPS. If I had to chose, I guess I'd go with Bulletstorm but really just save your money.

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