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PERP Help, error found


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I'm still having trouble connecting to the PERP server. I've deleted my Gmod folder, the cache folder, and still nothing works to fix it. A black screen comes up that starts a percentage and then around 20% it says something about an SMFID and reconnects me to the server.

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This is the exact same problem I am having. I even un-installed and re-installed gmod and it still fails.

If I hit exit game while its loading I can see that I am in the server and I can hear myself moving while its loading, but as soon as its done refreshing SMFID or whatever it boots you and automatically reconnects to do the same thing over and over.


If anyone cares, heres a vid of the error:


Edited by Never trust a hippie
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I can also hear the sounds of the server around me as if I am standing at spawn not being able to control my character. Soccercrazy told me to delete my Gmod cache file to fix the issue but that hasn't fixed anything yet and I'm not sure what else to try. On another note, you have the same keyboard as me, epic.

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  • 2 months later...

Did you guys find a fix for the issue? I tried deleting cache, etc. but I still have the problem where it redownloads custom text textures, tries to connect me, SMFID, then reconnects.


I can get on other perp servers with the same map just fine, but not the HG one. Hellppp.

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