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I need a Good RPG, Suggestions?


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I don't think anyones said it yet or maybe even heard of it but try out Realm of the Mad God.


Its a 2.5 D final fantasy (not turn based just graphics) inspired MMO with rpg elements and I found it quite addicting when you get a good server

Only bad thing is theres a lot of people and not as many servers


If your interested but don't understand completely check out this video cus its an mmo like I've never seen before

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  • 2 weeks later...

i in my opinion would say try either CABAL or CABAL Extreme(modified version), if you want to play those play the extreme first to get ahold of the gameplay then play CABAL which is harder more challanging and there both FREE btw

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I have played afterworld alpha for about 2 years now and I enjoy it.. Although I havent been on in a month and there were rumors that it was no longer going to be free to play. There arent many people who know about the game and I think its hosted out of russia or something but it is fun... tedious, but fun.

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i personally hated LOTRO, Requiem Bloodymare was the shit but the servers sucked when i was on it...idk how they are now...The DarkSpore Beta was amazing...thats comming out later this month but its 50$ ..fallout is always great, guild wars is obviously great. i think thats f2p, f2p mmo's are hard because you dont have to pay but you have to buy the end game gear with RL money...at least to be in the game ..check out darkspore and requiem bloodymare imo

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