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Insane Politics in Half-Life 2: Deathmatch (Dumbass conspiracy theorist)


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He is either the greatest troll ive ever met or a complete dumbass




at 15:54 i mention the Gabrielle Giffords shooting in arizona but Weegeestare was taking fire which blocked out the audio :(


I joined the server around 3 minutes into the vid then i invited

NG_Chuck the Fox [Juggernaght] (chuck)


Vapor talked nonstop for 2 HOURS This is only a small portion of vapors rant.

after he stoped recording vapor stopped spewing bullshit about politics moving to religion and then to race to end at charlie sheen quotes and then he got really quiet then Chuck got him back on politics again and started an argument which ended with vapor contradicting himself yet again and then pulling the "Im right your wrong you cant proove me wrong cuz ur so fucked up" card and then got quiet again. then chuck left and so did I.


me getting chuck involved


a lullzfest :)

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I had a similar incident with a gentleman named Raptor Jesus Shed his Skin 4 Sin on the KSF Surf server, a couple months ago. He would rant on about The Reptilians taking over the earth etc... It was the funniest thing ive ever heard, and he was so convincing. Im almost positive it was a blatant troll though.

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yeah i encountered something more along the lines of darkwing duck's thing


on a 24/7 notexture gungame server


he mentioned the reptilians as well as the jews ruling the world


he said adolf hitler was one of the true jews who tried to exterminate the fake jewish reptilians that lived in the core of the earth and tried to enslave the human race.


I had like a >2 hour conversation with the guy, took his views documented them and studied/researched them on my own time. he was hilarious, and i realized he was probably trolling anyways. but as an avid agnostic, I must take his theories and form my own opinions on them. but this guy in your video is just a dumbass who can't respond to criticism.



tl;dr i saw a guy like this once in css

Edited by Rick
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