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Super cool WoW story


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Dear Diary,


So I tried to sign in this morning at 10 a.m. ish, and my password got changed. So I go into the battle.net panel, reset my password, and log in. Well, I find my druid in flight form in the middle of Uldum with a shit load of flowers (547 whiptail, 260 cinderbloom, 239 volatile life) and my gold and alt spec gear gone.


I had managed to change my password and log in while the bot was farming. So I did the account recovery to get back the gold and items that had been mailed or deleted, got back an extra 2k gold, and now potentially have a cata deck from the flowers.


Hacker got butt bombed.


The end.

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I quit wow because of blizzards poor account security i have 2 accounts atm both with authenticators with 4 80's between the 2 of them and even with my authenticator i would still get cock blocked by blizzard where i would have to go in and change my password talk to blizz customer service to get my account back just because they would lock me out for no apparent reason saying i was selling accounts and shit. Im actually locked out of my shamans account right now for the same reason so instead of buying cata paying the fee and then calling to get MY account back...i say fuck blizzard and all their bullshit. But that is pretty funny and i garuntee that dudes pissed lol

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Back in WotLK my account was hacked and I got it back and did the recovery thing, Blizzard gave me back 2 BoE Epics from Icecrown Citadel, don't know who's doing the homework behind account support but I was pretty happy back when I still played.

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