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Port Forwarding Stopped Working


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Hi guys, I created a MC server yesterday, and it was working fine, people could connect, so on and so forth.

Today I tried installing an admin plugin, and for some reason 25565 became closed instead of open. I didn't change any settings, and I'm really stumped as to how to fix this problem.

Can anyone help?

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What kind of router do you have?


.. By the way, wrong section.

Sorry about that.

I think it's a Netgear WGM124.

It turns out that just running the Minecraft Server (.exe file) will cause the port forwarding thing to work on canyouseeme.org, but when it's not running it won't, and when I'm using the launch.bat for the SimpleServer it won't work either.

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If you have switched your computer off and not set a static ip.


You most portforward again, because the computers non static ip might have changed.




Check that you have forwarded your port to the one your computer has at the moment.

This is how mine look:


And then i just change the port in server properties, to what ever my computer has when i turn it on.


(I am sorry if you dont understand this, but i suck at explaining.)

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If you have switched your computer off and not set a static ip.


You most portforward again, because the computers non static ip might have changed.




Check that you have forwarded your port to the one your computer has at the moment.

This is how mine look:


And then i just change the port in server properties, to what ever my computer has when i turn it on.


(I am sorry if you dont understand this, but i suck at explaining.)


I used ipconfig to check (the ip4 address, right) and they are the same

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