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Guest Batters

i dont like mac's personally! I play on my Dell Inspiron 1525 with no upgrades other than from vista to win7! :L look up the spec and you will be shocked! :L (badly i may add)

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dat caps lock?


Macs aren't bad computers at all. They may be more pricey, and certain aspects may be 'aesthetically pleasing' (subjective...)


@Multimedia comment... no, Macs are not inherently better at multimedia tasks. They may be more aesthetically pleasing so things might seem more subjectively simple to do. Once again, this entire mess of opinions are subjective.


you can hate, love or feel indifferent to the 'perceived superiority' of an(y) operating system (since it's not even about the hardware but more so the software). I choose the last. just my worthless 0.02¢.

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