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"NEXT Closest corner, closest corner" (After saying it once


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It's one thing to say "Closest corner of Sauna," etc. for the first time - but its a lame tarp to say "NEXT Closest" or "Closest" corner when really it can interpreted in a variety of ways.


I just think it could be either limited greatly or not used at all as its really bad wording in any scenario

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Go to the closest corner of sauna, obviously you are already close to the one next to you, go to the next closest corner, ok go to the next closest corner of sauna that would be the corner not by you, but the next closest corner. Inb4 laos gets mad about falling for a trap?


In a full server if you have 25+ ts and you cannot mass kill and you need to take preparations for rebels by removing usp and such to get to lr, in only 5 minutes of time? its not realistic, unless you want a 20 second lr you have to do at least one trap to weed some out or do boring trivia every day before you actually do games.

Edited by racker16
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Is it closest by how long it takes for a T to get there or literal closest? I guess the entire think is one big nitpick/tarp/stupid. "nitpick/tarp/stupid" is one of jailbreaks elements and shouldn't be removed to changed, regardless i also like diagrams.


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Is it closest by how long it takes for a T to get there or literal closest? I guess the entire think is one big nitpick/tarp/stupid. "nitpick/tarp/stupid" is one of jailbreaks elements and shouldn't be removed to changed, regardless i also like diagrams.



yeah i don't know, i kinda just felt like trolling your diagram. I don't really care since i dont do this trap anyway :P

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ok as it has been said many times, tarps should be kept to a minimum. Also, if you have a great day where everyone has fun, why care about lr? The point of jailbreak is not to get to lr, it's to have fun!


Also, stop nitpicking about the corner. Your at the closest corner. The next closest corner would be the one closest to vending machine ON THE OUTSIDE. Mccain, technically, the next closest would not be the one inside sauna because it would require you to walk a further distance to get there.

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Laz's argument is valid.



But moreover -the sheer explanation here is nitpicking - hence why it should be thrown out - it's kind of sad that next closest and closest is a dumb tarp.


I just see too many FKs from it and too not worth it

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