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How to reduce spam.


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So, I noticed that whenever I join JB, my ping is around 250. It later goes down to around 60-79. But occasionally at the begiining of rounds, people scream for lead. This is normal and I really dont have any oppression against it. It is just annoying.


But in the middle of rounds, dumb admins abusing their power and people spamming HLDJ songs like "chacarron macarron" and "shut the FUCK up". THis really needds to be controlled and about 70% of the times when this happens, I get buffer overflowed or my ping rises to 400~600. We need an admin to actually step up and take charge of this or we need some sort of coding to mute most players that aren't lead.



P.S. Please help me survive my 2 year old puberty problems (joke, if you've herd my voice)

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hahaha, If you've been in jailbreak for at least a week than you'll know that spam is normal. HLDJ/HLSS/etc is ONLY accepted on wardays, the occasional freeday, some days such as cha cha slide and isengard, and lr. At no point should there be two people playing music at the same time cause that just spam and if they are playing music at anyother time than what is stated above than that is not accepted either.


If it gets excessive or annoying you may ask the person to stop playing it and they must once asked to stop.


If it ever gets laggy when playing a song you can ask them to stop too. At times, admins will call a lag free day and mute everyone till lag stops and may declare a warday to be without music due to buffer overflow/lag.


The spam at the start of the round is currently being discussed in another thread, but is being proved hard to solve so that wont end soon :P


Hope this helps!

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Agreeing with Dr.Obvious on this. Getting lag and buffer overflow in the begging of the round (buffer over flow sucks hardcore at the begging) Is very normal, which you might already know. Spamming durning the game when lead is talking or during orders is unacceptable. I mainly just mute them, usally solves the issue. But when admins spam, because most of them know they cant be muted, Its very hard to deal with.

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ya I forgot to say that spamming over lead isn't acceptable anytime. It should result in an admin muting the guy instantly for the round or at least until the order is finished.


PS: Um blackberry, I'm "BEGGING" you to look over your message and fix your spelling ;)

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ya I forgot to say that spamming over lead isn't acceptable anytime. It should result in an admin muting the guy instantly for the round or at least until the order is finished.


PS: Um blackberry, I'm "BEGGING" you to look over your message and fix your spelling ;)



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PS: Um blackberry, I'm "BEGGING" you to look over your message and fix your spelling ;)

Yeah i know, thanks for posting that.......

and I have noticed that when someone is playing "GOOD" music people tend to shut up.(accept for people who think there funny and try to sing along with the song)

There should be a rule, i not already, put in motd were spamming of music or sound is only allowed on Lr and war-days. Free-days are kinda tuff for me cause everyone try's to talk and or many people try to play music.

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When I get buffer over flowed its usually in the dead begining right when the round starts I type in !pd and the ct's screaming for lead my computer usually freezes and I get buffer overflowed, I wonder if maybe for the first 5-10 seconds the entire game should be muted...but then you still have first cell teleport issue.

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playing music or listening to others play music is fun! Unless it's like friday or justin beiber or trololololol or some other song that deserves the title of "epic trolling"


Also, I know some types of freedays that could have music such as snail freedays, isengard (which i consider a half freeday), and sometimes just a regular freeday could have music. Like JJK said, if its a good song the people will shut up most of the time.


Also, if I remembered right, spamming is up to the discresion of the admin or admins in the server at the time OR not allowed at all. If someone could clarify that for me it would be great.


EDIT: After posting this i noticed other msgs had popd up. Yeh some songs that are great do get put down by people (most people like requiem for a dream last time I checked)

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How about soundbytes can only be played during lr/warday/freeday and only 1 at a time



The reason? Its FUN!


and i notice everyone stops talking when theres a good song being played


I usually dont mind any song, doesnt matter what genre. But I did notice that almost any rap song while being played, people complain. Lose - Lose situation. =(


But yeah people spam all the time. And new admins?? Oh my..... Terribad. When I mute @t's, or even 1 or 2, a new admin would unmute @all right after. Then all that spam bursting out, getting 1/3 the server buffered. And I would have to mute @dead. Tedious task.

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I usually dont mind any song, doesnt matter what genre. But I did notice that almost any rap song while being played, people complain. Lose - Lose situation. =(


But yeah people spam all the time. And new admins?? Oh my..... Terribad. When I mute @t's, or even 1 or 2, a new admin would unmute @all right after. Then all that spam bursting out, getting 1/3 the server buffered. And I would have to mute @dead. Tedious task.


personally I hate almost all rap (sorry there bear ;) ) and dub step. I CAN'T stand dub step...


Also, I hate when new admins mess with muting. First of all they shouldn't be unmuting someone muted by anouther admin and second of all, NEVER UNMUTE @all (for all new admins looking at this post that means YOU). The correct and sociably acceptable command is !unmute @alive (the people who are dead have no right to use mics ;) and in other words they are outcasts, and unwanted on the island)

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NEVER UNMUTE @all (for all new admins looking at this post that means YOU). The correct and sociably acceptable command is !unmute @alive (the people who are dead have no right to use mics ;) and in other words they are outcasts, and unwanted on the island)


and dont use, unmute @t or unmute @ct.

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  • 2 weeks later...
P.S. Please help me survive my 2 year old puberty problems (joke, if you've herd my voice)


I have the same problem so I just dont use mic because I know I will be harrased for not having finished puberty yet :( I completely understand :S.

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