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can i get a wootwoot [ADMIN ABUSE....]


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1. Abuser name: can i get a wootwoot

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:38709812

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 11:50 AM - NOW (still abusing)












6. Please tell us about the incident: After each round starts he would change to ct using his admin powers and being a ct.... Very annoying and abusing... I didn't get the first time him doing it, but i got ss of him doing it the next round. He still in server doing the same thing, so you could check. Me and iptrer tried to tell him to stop, but he still continues to do this, and wootwoot keeps slaying pple who kill him even though its a legit kill on him...

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1st ss = switching himself during beginning of round

2nd ss= knowing he switched himself, he goes to armory to get guns...

3rd ss = hanging around with cts....

4th ss = watching the ts do obstacle....

5th ss = asking to use low gravity for a freeday, while lead was trying to give orders....


Every time me and iptrer try to make him stop doing this he still continues, he switches his self back to t when round is over.... then switches back to ct when round begins...

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What rated says is true, and I personally believe he's intentionally abusing. This guy would not listen to either of us for anything, even jella told him to stop freekilling.


The guy is using timebomb, gravity, and switching himself while alive to avoid death / get lr.


In this first screenshot, you can see he uses gravity for a second time after being told not to, then acts like he didn't do it. (click to enlarge)




Here is a pic of one of the many times he switched himself while alive:




Staff/Council, I humbly request that you don't just treat him like some newcomer who is innocent and deserves to keep his admin without a strict talking to.

This guy knows what he was doing.



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