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HDD Question

Kurosaki Ichigo

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Okay so, I recently got a 500GB HDD that my grandpa had in one of his high tech computers that he has. So my question is this. Can a HDD effect your internet speed and anything else relating to internet. My HDD is a Seagate 500GB with 7200RPM if you are wondering what kind of HDD I have. Oh and it also makes a weird noise sometimes as well.

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No it won't effect your internet speed, but it may effect your boot speed. By that I mean when you start your comp and how long it takes to start up. Could be faster or slower but if your just adding it on top and not replacing your current hdd it won't effect anything.

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IT will not affect internet speed, but it will affect game speed. Games have to pull different textures very quickly to run smoothly and with a higher framerate. So check the read speed of your drive. HHD's have quick write speeds, but reading speeds are slower compared to SSD's. SSD's are all flash memory, so they read at lightspeed. But they are more expensive, write slower, and do not come in as large a capacity as HHD's. If you can get a external shell to put that HHD in, and link it to your PC, you can make all your file paths of music, video, and other space consuming documents in that, while leaving your core processes(windows) and gaming to have the luxury of the speed of the SSD. BTw, SSD's are less prone to failing, but they also write slower. That means when an update rolls out, It may take longer to install it. Also, right click your game in steam, go to properties, and defrag the game for faster game speed.

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IT will not affect internet speed, but it will affect game speed. Games have to pull different textures very quickly to run smoothly and with a higher framerate. So check the read speed of your drive. HD's have quick write speeds, but reading speeds are slower compared to SSD's. SSD's are all flash memory, so they read at lightspeed. But they are more expensive, write slower, and do not come in as large a capacity as HHD's. If you can get a external shell to put that HHD in, and link it to your PC, you can make all your file paths of music, video, and other space consuming documents in that, while leaving your core processes(windows) and gaming to have the luxury of the speed of the SSD. BTw, SSD's are less prone to failing, but they also write slower. That means when an update rolls out, It may take longer to install it. Also, right click your game in steam, go to properties, and defrag the game for faster game speed.


Actually, write speed on SSDs are significantly better, if you google SSD benchmarks, you will definitely get better read & write speeds than hard-drives. There are other factors that can be considered in the course of determining "performance" of network connectivity and storage.


Reliability on the other hand, may be questionable... (google SSD reliability myth)


I think everyone answered your question quite accurately if not completely. HDD/SSD should not impact your internet performance.

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Reliability on the other hand, may be questionable


I have read extensively on this, and I have found that SSD's fail less often, but if and when they do, there is almost 0% chance to recover your data, with HDD's, you have a significantly higher chance of recovery

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I have read extensively on this, and I have found that SSD's fail less often, but if and when they do, there is almost 0% chance to recover your data, with HDD's, you have a significantly higher chance of recovery


If you're keeping your precious data on a consumer level SSD you're a f'n idiot.

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