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try to uninstall steam or games and reinstall


Ohh hell no don't go that fast men,

First reset steam by closing it (I mean the process) and then oepning it again

If it doesnt work try reseting your computer

If it doesnt work try to start the game froma nother part (I mean not the icon but the the steam library application etc...)

IF!!! you have 4 hours try to make it work, then uninstall steam or the game...

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I may not have uninstalled it fully... I'm reinstalling CS:S now though so we'll soon find out. I've looked around on steams forums already and there's quite a few threads about problems almost identical to mine, yet steam don't seem to have done much about it.

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I'm hoping reinstalling sorts it out. If not i'll post on the steam forums and see if i get a response from them. I've tried verifying and defraging the cache files so i doubt it's corrupt files. It's only a problem which developed a day or so ago, CS:S was working fine a week ago.

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