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HG Dopplegangers


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Name Stealers are an increasing threat in the entire Hellsgamers community, so PLEASE identify these men/women, and who the real one is. The imposters shall be seeked out and eliminated by Rebecca Black!

I'll start things off like this,

Joker , Joker.exe , Jokerz r us

Is being a joker a new teen fad now? Joker.exe is the real one, because r us is never on and .exe will spam figgit in my TS3 channel if I say he's fake.


That was dumb, moving on now...

So, um could someone close this, or no it was dumb...

Edited by Solveitwithguns
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Name Steelers are an increasing threat in the entire Hellsgamers community, so PLEASE identify these men/women, and who the real one is. The imposters shall be seeked out and eliminated by Rebecca Black!

I'll start things off like this,

Joker , Joker.exe , Jokerz r us

Is being a joker a new teen fad now? Joker.exe is the real one, because r us is never on and .exe will spam figgit in my TS3 channel if I say he's fake.


That was dumb, moving on now...

So, um could someone close this, or no it was dumb...


I seriously read it like that the first time and



Someone made one of these a while back....

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  • 3 months later...

this is why my friends, i changed my spelling of my name on here because a few other people had my name hence the duhh at the end.

haha ok wow this thread was like 4 months ago....


and yea i can spell panda. xD

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this is why my friends, i changed my spelling of my name on here because a few other people had my name hence the duhh at the end.

haha ok wow this thread was like 4 months ago....


and yea i can spell panda. xD



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