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Funneh story


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So I was going to Orlando and before me and my family did we went to breakfast at Perkins. So we go there and we're almost done eating so I have to go to the bathroom. There was just 2 toilets and one sink and a mirror, so then I saw there was a toilet that was clogged and the other had no toilet paper. So I go to the bathroom and an old guy comes in. He has to take a crap, so he sees the toilet thats clogged and so he goes into the other one. He takes a shit and once he's done he yells "There's no mother fucking toilet paper in here, what kind of a fucking resteraunte is this!", so he goes to other toilet with his pants down and once he tries to get the toilet paper he falls in the clogged toilet. (and it had shit and piss in it) Funniest thing ever.

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