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Chady Exposed


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Proof that he's(she's) a girl.



7:15 PM - ramPage: why the fuck don't you talk to me anymore?

7:15 PM - ramPage: is it because you saw me talking with that girl in the bar?

7:15 PM - ramPage: SHE came up to ME

7:15 PM - ramPage: i swear

7:15 PM - chady: SUUUUREEE this happened last time and the time before THAT!

7:16 PM - ramPage: no baby it didn't!

7:16 PM - ramPage: we had a good time last time

7:16 PM - chady: YOU had a good time

7:17 PM - ramPage: what, you're STILL holding a grudge after i touched the waiter's butt?

7:17 PM - ramPage: I GRAZED IT

7:17 PM - ramPage: it was an accident

7:18 PM - chady: so you would rather touch a waiters butt than MINE!É

7:18 PM - chady: its over

7:18 PM - chady: goodbye

chady is now Offline.

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