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HG-Jailbreak design


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Hey guys, most of you will know HG blade, well his little bro seems to love video gaming and designing.

I think he has an apt for it and he has even created a possible second jail.


Now i know most of us are reluctant to change to a new design for the jail. But i was wondering guys if we could possibly set up a Beta server for just a few days for us to try out his new map.

I only ask we set up a secondary sever just to test it out for a few days and not to make any sudden rash deciisons yet.


Thank you for your time ladies and gentlemen.

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Its not that we wont.


We just dont want a map that a 10 yr old made, or a map 10 other communities use


Gimme a test run ill give u a server :P



Note: JB mod woudl have to be modified by xhair to use on a new map

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Until there is an actual map to play not just screenshots i say no change. People promise a map and nothing ever comes of it. Also making something on the scale of the current map would take quite a bit of effort not to mention you would have to have crosshair add LR teleports and create an area for all the LR's. Currently I think the best move would be to keep adding to the current map, maybe a disco or a climb (not talking about obstacle like climb just climb) and maybe more weapon spawners.

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