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New Map Possibility


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Hey Guys

I'm desiging a new map , which I think hg_danny may of mentioned , heres some screen shots... the monorail fully works etc.


All of the games will be at the end of the monorail track , in a game centre so the t's and t's have to move.








Edited by Spade
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  Rawzz said:
This is the first time I've seen someone come forward with a real map to suggest lol. Pictures are hard to go by, but it looks like something I'd be willing to try out. o.O


That must be one of the first good responses I've EVER had from HG.

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To be honest most people are complete idiots about maps around here. Saying there's are going to be one million times better blah blah blah. You should proof of a map and to be honest the map we have is great but it's been a year and all the "new" stuff on the map remains unusable and broken. Such as pool volleyball and soccer. It might be time to give someone else a chance. If you could can you pm me a download and ill test it out?

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  NightVision said:


Holy shit , wow thanks.


I need some help though , because I was too foolish to realise hammer was a fucking shit peice of software

I have numero numero numero errors that I would greatly appreciate a fellow mapper to help me with.

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  Cal45 said:
So what's the point of the monorail though?


Well , the first area is the gunroom , the cells .. the monorail then once everybody's on the monorail , you all go to a games centre where some fun can take place - not done yet

but the first game is around 50% done... its a rotating 1 / 2 teir deathmaze , where the walls hurt you ( so its like in real life , you tried walking to the shops whilst constantly rotating and not being allowed to walk or touch the road lmao )

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  Spade said:
Holy shit , wow thanks.


I need some help though , because I was too foolish to realise hammer was a fucking shit peice of software

I have numero numero numero errors that I would greatly appreciate a fellow mapper to help me with.


Yeah sure BRO! add me Reconsniper_99Q8 on STEAM we can like.....make the map better bro!

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  ricky2442 said:

^ Look at this, it contains all the ideas I had before I left HG.


Also send me the compile log and I'll see if I can make sense of those errors for you.


Contains all the Ideas... I've seen that map before , with the roulette and I don't exactly like that map haha - Certain elements are alright

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Pretty cool sutff. The only conseren is getting used to a new map. I mean, the map we currnetly have has been there ever since the server started. even though it has gone through some minor to major changes. But keep doing what your doing, i sure as hell would love to ry this map, looks very sweet

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