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Kicked for voicing my opinion? Enigmo


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1. Abuser name: Enigm0

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:34708050

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 1am-ish







6. Please tell us about the incident: Basically it goes like this: Enigmo baits the entire time we're playing, people start getting angry, call him out on it. He doesn't pay attention so when people on T scream FK he just slays without proof, Ts catch on, start calling him names etc, so I stated my opinion that he is a bad admin. He tells me to not say it again, so I told him that that's what I think, he kicks me for disrespect. After I join again, he tells me I called him a shit admin, etc, makes more excuses, baits MORE as I'm on T and then threatens to kick me again.


tl;dr I voiced my opinion, wasn't negative, no name-calling, got kicked.


side note: I still think he is a bad admin. This isn't neo-nazi germany, I can have an opinion.


edit: more photos of him misbehaving




freekilling, giving death orders (go to electric chair and sit on it - killed people not doing it), killed on LR




Edited by beast702
wrong steam id
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OK, So When I slayed 2 people on CT: 1st Time the person freekilled someone in first reaction last reaction. 2nd Time the CT killed someone who was in LR knife fight with someone else.


With the whole disrespect thing, you were calling me a 'shitty admin' and 'enigmo should get his admin taken away, who agrees?' and ‘enigmo, you make hg look bad'. (If I had proof I would show you) That’s not the first time he has said all of this either, it has been going on for about a week and a half now and he is so repetitive.

As the MOTD says "Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful". I thought he had been taking it too far and warned him on all chat (http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb397/nilabnh/Picture34.png?t=1304841353), but he continued to do it and I kicked him.


Poison if you have thought of it this way saying ‘Type kill in console to respawn’ couldn’t have done anything since they must be already dead to respawn.


As for telling people to go into electric chair room, I said go into electric chair room and if they wanted to commit suicide they could get on the chair (and this is when I got killed). I didn’t get a chance to say ‘For the people who don’t want to commit suicide can go into kitchen and make me a cake (which is what I would have said if I didn’t die.)


For this picture (http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb397/nilabnh/Picture44.png?t=1304845965), No I didn’t fk someone in LR. He wanted to have a shot4shot with me, the round was about to end and when it was my turn to have a shot at him, he starts shooting at me when it was my go. I started shooting back at him and killed him. Was not a Fk and if it was I will acknowledge it and something needs to be put in the MOTD about it.

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Wrong. Stop making excuses again.


Another admin, various other players, and I are completely wrong about you abusing your powers/freekilling incessantly? There's proof in all my screenshots, I don't have to refute what you just said.


I never called you a "shitty" admin, I called you a horrible admin. I stand by my opinion. I still think you are a horrible admin. You said I make HG look bad, not the other way around. Thanks.


Like I said, again, you can't kick me for voicing my opinion. I didn't call you an asshole, I didn't call you a fa****, I didn't call you a bitch. I said you were a horrible admin. You need to grow up if you can't handle me calling you a horrible admin, maybe jailbreak isn't the place for a 14 year old.


As an admin, telling new players to type kill in console is WRONG. They trust you. Telling them to type kill to respawn when they're alive is stupid, selfish, and completely immature. Yet again - not something an admin should say. That's one step away from telling them to type !restart/sm_restart. Stop making excuses.


When you told Ts to get into electric chair room you stayed alive til the end of the round. CTs won that round and you killed nearly EVERYONE. How do you think they made it to LR? You also freekilled me and another T when lead died. I was running, you said all T's freeze, I froze right underneath you INSTANTLY and you shot me right in the face. Thanks. Give some time, yeah? I wasn't even running at you for you to freak out and shoot.


Nevodka, Von, and I were watching you the entire time, you freekilled Von on LR. Maybe you should read MOTD.



Another thing: The LR and you saying you died were on the same round. How can you die before LR yet still have someone shot4shot with you? STOP. LYING. It's so obvious.

Edited by poison.ivy
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Alright this is your final warning quit your stupidity at least about telling to type kill in console its stupid and old. And about the freekill its very circumstantial since anyone can say that at anytime. Reviewed.


P.S. This goes for everyone stop disrespecting anyone instead of trying to help people I see them egging them on with their stupidity. Quit that shit out.

This goes the admins as well if they don't listen to your advice get a demo of them and we will handle them accordingly.

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