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Microsoft or Sony?


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Hey all!


I just want to see what everyone thinks of Microsoft and Sony, and which company you prefer.


I thought of doing this as soon as PSN went down, but only felt like posting it now. ;)


NZXT Scout


EDIT: Oh!! and say why!!

Edited by R3venant
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Microsoft. Why? Sony's douchey way of going about customer buisness has put me off them. (Look up how they sued LG for use of their fimware and may be losing patents to the Blu-Ray). They are starting to believe their shit doesnt stink and I can tell you what, they need some air freshner.

Edited by Linoleum Knive
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Microsoft is a piece of shit when it comes to game/video interfacing. Prime example is the Zune (What the fuck was that shit) and I swear the Vista division was moved to the 360 because that thing reminds me of that slow shitty operating system that had to have 20,000 updates. That being said it is still way better than Linux (Windows with a reskin) and Mac (for stupid people who don't know how to use comps). But the PS3, however few games there are on it has all the best games on it. Little Big Planet and Metal Gear Solid 4 are probably the best currently on there. Finally Sony makes Blu-ray which is a great way to watch movies. They also create nice sound systems. Xbox Live charges you to use it, PSN doesn't. While I do have far more complaints about Microsoft, Sony isn't in the Computer area and I don't care for consoles as much as I do PC. Therefore I call it a win for Windows in the PC, and Sony wins the entertainment devices outside PC.

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Both. I really do like both. On the gaming side, I prefer playing on the Xbox then the PS3 even though the PS3 is a fine system. It's just much nicer online with the 360.


The PSN going down made me angry at the hackers and i hope they catch those basement dwelling douches.

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micro$oft mainly because i dont own an xbox or a ps3 and i game on win7 so herpaderp

by the looks of it the ps3 seems to be the better system in terms of specs as it has a better graphics chip and an 8 core proceccor as opposed to xbox's 3 core

but online seems to have a lot less downtime on xbox

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Both.Sony for its hardware and Microsoft for its software


You say Microsoft for its software but in reality, Microsoft really don't give you what you pay for. The Windows OS is so full of flaws that if you compiled it into an image it looks like the face of the moon, it's just that imperfect. I'm a Sony person myself, and sure enough, they got attacked, but why do people only remember this and not the time XBOX Live was shutdown due to an attack.


Damn attackers, they say that have the "right to pirate" when there are laws against it, essentially their arguement is void.


But yeah, Sony.

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Mircrosoft of course, I wouldn't be surprised if they acquired Sony shortly considering their leash has been released (Ex. Skype). Fact of the matter is that no matter how you look at it Sony's business plan is designed to fail. The first flaw being that the service is free, sure it looks good on the outside to the consumer but most fail to see the underlying issues. One prime example is the fact that Microsoft was able to secure a month earlier release of all Activision DLC before the PS3 ( I think the PC also), because they have enough cash flowing in from the paid service to do it. It wouldn't be shocking to see Microsoft simply just buyout all of the major retailers to gain exclusive content for the 360 and just block out Sony all together and slowly disintegrate their player base to nothing. Furthermore Sony's Motion controller was a complete and utter disaster from of the Kinect in terms of sales and technology, which were again made possible in large part to a greater revenue stream. So what this leads to is what we see happening today, they got hacked. They got hacked, and yes it was entirely Sony's fault you really can't sugar coat it, because they didn't have the same level of investment in the online service as the Microsoft does because it doesn't generate hardly any revenue for them. As a result their security was lax and completely unprofessional, not to mention entirely unacceptable from a company at their level.


So as for the console war, as long as PSN remains free, Sony doesn't have a snowball's chance at competing with Xbox Live in the long run.

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TV= Sony

Games= Microsoft

Software= Apple


The PSN Network being down could have been avoided if Sony had updated their protection software which they knew was outdated. I pay for Xbox Live but at least I get an online service that actually works. Sony was stupid to mess around with hackers and sue them. The hackers got their revenge. Now onto Microsoft. Windows is full of glitches and unnecessary complications. Why should I have to click a million things to install a web browser when on my Mac I can just drag the setup file onto my Applications folder and it would already be installed. Windows is a crappy operating system and the only thing that it can beat Mac in is having better games for it. Apple also has better customer service. If something is wrong, I can go into an Apple Store and they replace my computer with a brand new not-refurbished one for free as long as I'm still on warranty. If you have a broken Windows computer, you have to sit on the phone arguing with some guy in Pakistan for 2 hours.

Edited by Billy Mays
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The first flaw being that the service is free, sure it looks good on the outside to the consumer but most fail to see the underlying issues.


slowly disintegrate their player base to nothing.


So as for the console war, as long as PSN remains free, Sony doesn't have a snowball's chance at competing with Xbox Live in the long run.




Why does not being a money hungry asshole make you lose and creating a player base with a collective I.Q. of 10 win?

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