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K-DUB Admin abuse/ Taking sides with friend

Stoner Steve

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1. Abuser name: K-Dub

2. Their Steam Id: Admin; Unknown

3. What server: HG 24/7 roleplay

4. About what time: 1:20am Pacific






6. Please tell us about the incident:


This relates back to another ban request I posted for K-Dubs friend Robin A Hood which can be found here: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/46374-Robin-A-Hood-Ban-request


Basically Robin A Hood said that Dub, as seen in the screen, would back him up. Knowing that Dub told me he did not see the incident as seen in the first screen shot. After hearing this and discovering that k-dub is a good friend of robin's, I reminded k-dub that he did in fact not see the incident. I also said if he did try to falsely back Robin up, I would post the screen of him saying that he did not see such incident.


After sending the pm I was kicked for "TRYING TO BLACK MAIL AN ADMIN".


I was not trying to black mail him, I was simply telling him my intentions if he tried to falsely back up his friend. In fact, saying I was trying to black mail him almost incriminated himself by thinking that such was actually black mail.

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That is not abuse its an admin doing his job and you sir saying that if i dont kick /ban him you will report me..blackmail also disrespecting an admin. This is a game sir, not everything is going to go your way. I am to WARN then if they continue kick..if they still continue...request a perm ban WITH proof.

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Who said I blacked mailed you so you would ban him? I merely said if you posted bullshit in his ban request thread, I would show the screen of you saying you saw nothing.


And to the warn part. I completely agree. However, there was no warn. There was an instant kick, thus skipping the warn part. Next terrible argument please?

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Oh dear sir, If you were an admin you would know the rules of an Admin. First and foremost I am to WARN a player, WHY you say, So i have this thing called PROOF next time the player decides to rdm i have a screen shot of him/her actually being warned. Then and only then am i able to kick. Kicking without proof is a random kick and that is not me sorry. I am not going to lose my admin because a player cant take the fact that this is just a game and in the game DYING is a part of it. And again i am sorry i did not see the incident between you and the other player.

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From what I see i don't see any abuse. Paid admins dont have to do anything if they dont want to. its not a "Job". Steve you kept going on and on about it, so you got a kick. Kdub wasn't there to see the rdm happen, so he cant just ban the person with no proof. Steve, try and get proof of you getting rdm'd and post it on the forums, we'll be more than glad to take car of it.

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