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Record of the day.


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By Adidas.


I got an idea of starting to record a full video of the most used servers, so not only go recording a demo when someone is breaking the rules.

I mean it would be easier catching a rule breaker by recording for a whole day.

Make a place to upload the records so we can catch these rule breakers, i think this is a great idea because i'm pretty tierd of none HG players and even HG players breaking rules and not follow the [admin] commands.


So my idea was that we find the most used servers where it's alot of players put someone who would like to help make them set a record at the servers and then post it to a wiew place.



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I haven't said that the system we got is wrong or bad, i was just thinking it would been a bit easier catching the rules breakers.

And i didn't say it was 24 houers, put the record on when it's most players on and stop it when you go to sleep, watch it next day or next day and catch some evidence.

You don't need to see all at the same time.


It was just an idea it looked to good in my head :P

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Another big server I know uses this method. Although they don't watch the camera all the time, only when it's needed. When people put in ban requests and stuff, they ask for the "date, time and map" it occured. Then an admin would just jump to that time and review tue incident. Seeing as many players forget to demo or don't know how to, this camera system helped them alot to ban offenders.

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