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Admin abuse in Crackhouse server - Never Trust a Hippie

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1. Abuser name: Never trust a hippie

2. Their Steam Id: no clue

3. What server: Crackhouse

4. About what time: 4:00 PM

5. PROOF: http://imageshack.us/f/263/abusej.png/

6. Please tell us about the incident:


While playing in your Crackhouse server today I witnessed a player being kicked for having the name "The man from Niger". After pointing out that Niger is a country and there is nothing wrong with that, the admin said "fuck you" and banned me.


Obviously I did nothing wrong by pointing out he was either oblivious or ignorant towards the fact that this player did nothing wrong. There is no reason a person should be banning people who are sticking up for what is just.


After reading other threads about this admin I realized this isn't the fist time he has abused his powers. He shouldn't be able to carry on banning people for all the wrong reasons.

Edited by Yohash Davidson
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"Niger" is a banned word, you can tell that because when you attempted to type it out the filter blocked you. Which is why he was kicked (See other thread). It isn't your position to question admins in-game or you should expect a ban (Be it proper or not your essentially asking for it). If you have an issue with someone record a demo or captures screenshots and post a report but do not directly confront them in-game about the subject.


@Threads - As you can see from the pre-title tag both of those cases you suggested were not considered abuse.

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I agree with you Yohash, you didn't need to be banned for asking about the legitimacy of the ban. I would recommend however that you do not QUESTION the legitimacy, as in, tell an admin he/she is incompetent. Papa john is correct if you believe it is abuse. Report it. We'll look at it. (Do not instigate the admin)


A possible explanation to look at is if the filter is trying to block him out, you may want to take hint as to why.


As I said in the other thread, if your name is offensive and you change it, the admin doesn't need to take any action further. However, if your intention is to troll and cause problems, you will be removed from the server without issue.


I don't know why you had to be banned in order for an explanation needed to be brought to you. I disagree with the ban but everyone makes mistakes.

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He was being VERY disrespectful over the mic, I don't recall exactly what you were saying, something along the lines of my mom pays $5 a month for me to abuse my admin, things relating to the other thread, etc. etc. but whatever you said it must have been enough for me to not wanna listen to you anymore and issue a ban.

I should have put the real reason for the ban "disrespect" and not "stfu" and for that I apologize.


I wont be back for a while. just fyi

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Yohash thank you for the report.


Hippie chill out. You banned a guy for making a point. I don't care if you took that as "disrespect" you needed to follow the correct steps on matters like that.



3. BAN FOR 120

You skip straight to #3. IF you ban without warning and abuse again you will lose your admin. Also coming to thread and not even defending yourself is a terrible idea. You need to state your side of the story and not act like your above the rules.



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