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beer and or food?


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Well for beer it has to be Laughing Lab, but thats next to impossible to find in WI, mostly in Colorado and some parts of CA.

Mixed drink, lately I have been fond of Vodka tonics but it has to be with good vodka, no cheap crap OR a drink my cousin and I made up...it goes like this


Start with one shot of Citron and Mandarin orange vodka, preferably absolut, mix with DIET 7-up (dont know why, it just works the best) and one slice of a lemon and lime squeezed in. Sounds fruity yes, but tastes good and after 3-4 it starts messing you up.


Now for food...well its hard to choose one. I love spaghetti and make an awesome dish of it. Same goes for lasagna. Tacos rule. Cheesy potatoes are wonderful. Pretty much anything except cilantro.

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I'm simple, just a good old Corona and lime for me. As for favorite food, no way I can limit it to one!


I love you Cal... No homo.


Although I dont drink or smoke anymore, Corona and a lemon/lime is perfect. Liquor? Prolly Paul Masson. Wine? Anything Cabernet Sauvignon. Or any red wine except merlot.


Too much favorite foods...

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This is a hard one... I'm a pretty big fan of (decent) scotch, or maybe a gin and tonic. If we're talking beer, Most stouts hit the spot. For wine, I'm not picky as long as it's not a very sweet red. A good Riesling or Gewürztraminer goes really nicely with desert.


For food, I'm always up for some good seafood. Clams, mussels, shrimp, squid and eel in particular.

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