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Banned for giving orders?


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1. Your in-game name: Mr Blue Sky

2. Server that you were banned on: Jailbreak

3. The Banning admin: Shad0w

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:33125391

5. Reason for ban: "Calling wardays and freedays". I kid you not.


I called wardays twice, and called three super zombie freedays. Two of them were when I could not give orders (Dullknife talking over me constantly, and a third was after a T had managed to rebel so successfully that continuing to lead would have been suicide, and most Ts were rebelling to begin with.

Now, I enjoy this server. Mainly because I've been banned from most of the others, and this one is often heavily populated, and not with Admins who just banned because they felt like it. Once, I was called out for not giving people the chance to re-accept an opiniated day. That's fine, I didn't realise at the time, but what I was mainly called out for was 'killing Ts who accepted the opiniated day without making them do anything". Ofcourse I made them do something, i made them get on top of the big cage sign so I could shoot them more easily. Plus its a fun opiniated day and often catches out a few people and can be quite funny if you don't turn around and go "HURR DURR LEAD IS STUPID". I'm not just killing people for the sake of it, I'm telling them why (Jeffrey/Steve) hates them, then murdering them with a bullet to the brain.

However, that isn't the reason I was banned. The reason I was banned, or told to stay T (read: temporary unenforced tlist), was because I was not letting the Ts actually play proper games. Bear in mind that, before, some guy was tarping the heck out of all the Ts and he wasn't called out on it ONCE. So much so that he got to LR before they left their cells. There were around 18 players.

And yet, for giving a freeday out of desperation and being forced to give freedays when *ADMINS ON CT* (Dullknife in particular) refused to stop talking, I was told to stay T? The hell? Nobody would even tell me why besides this innane reason. "Read the MOTD" I was told after leading three times in a row. I did. Carefully. Did it say that I couldn't lead three times in a row? Nope. Did it say I was not allowed to call what were now considered REVOKABLE FREEDAYS out of either desperation or the fact that I was unable to give orders? I was also *WARNED* not to tell CTs to report to an area then call it in another area. I gave them more than enough time to get to the area it was called, yet straight after this *WARNING* I was team locked? The heck?!

So, I rejoin under a different guise temporarily just so I could get the point across without being talked over or outright ignored, because the admins were too busy caressing each other and laughing at injokes to pay attention to the fact that one of their own was team locking for reasons not stated or otherwise inferred in the motd? Nothing I did breaks the MOTD, and I would have been willing to stop. Heck, the times I was kicked/banned i was calling a NORMAL OPINIATED DAY. Heaven forbid I actually be a normal lead, cause I'd get banned midway through.


TL;DR: I was banned, essentially, for reasons not in the MOTD or otherwise said in any rules anywhere outside of the admins head.

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You got teamlocked twice and avoided them, You also changed your name to get on ct again. That's why i banned. And also you would call normal orders while you hid and camped then called super zombie freeday. You did that twice and i told you in game. So stop lying

Edited by Shad0w
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