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yea get @ me


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well im not down in the dumpz about it, when I go to college ill be in debt anyway. BUT everyone needs to hear this.... and old man once told me that if you didn't owe anything, then you didn't have anything.

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i have plenty of things and don't owe a dime....?


stuff such as a car, house, college dues, other life stuff you wan that is expensive. unless your a spoiled rich kid. < not me im broke as a joe, and about to get a car which won't be too bad, but still adding more to my stress

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Yeah seriously, buying shit on your credit card will get back at you. I only use my credit card when I forgot to go to the ATM. I even paid for my condo in cash. Took me like 4 years of living at my parent's house after college to save up half the amount of the house's price, but the point is, I don't have to worry about missing a mortgage payment.

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