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low ping, high choke, lagggggg


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Ok, Why cant I just have a simple problem? Every problem I seem to have is huge and crappy.


Here we go.


Up until about 3 days ago everything was fine and then without notice I started to lag in jailbreak Its not the worst lag but it has made it so having fun on the server, and actually playing the game correctly are a no-go.


I have changed my config to work with 100, 66, and 33 tick servers and I'm still getting high choke (about 20-70). I know that choke cant be the only reason for lag but in my case this seems to be the only thing that has changed. I have even deleted my config file and set everything to default.


Other things that I have tried:

Rewiring my entire phone system (I use dsl).

Re installed windows (7 ultimate 64).

Re installed and updated every driver and tested my network for packet loss.

Re installed steam and css.

Called my isp to check for problems with them. (I insisted they send a truck out to put a new box outside and run new wire to the node by the street witch they are doing Monday)

Checked the settings on my video card (working fine)

I have googled this problem many times and nothing seems to work.



I dont lag on 100 tick servers or many other servers for that matter, it seems to be mostly on hg servers. I live in South Carolina not too far from the servers and this should not be happening.


cpu temp: 86°f

ram temp: 75°f

gpu temp: 79°f


I am willing to explore any and all options to try and solve this problem.


here are some screen shots.









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Can you explain it more? Is it just when people talk or is it a sustained lag?


For me, I had lag somewhat recently too. Whenever 3 or more people talked, it made my ping go 500+. I changed these settings: cl_updaterate 20 ; cl_cmdrate 30 ; rate 10000. Then, the lag went away when more people were talking. Anyways, here's a troubleshooting page that Steam made, which is where I got the settings listed before, so I suggest go checking it out here.

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it happens the entire round, sometimes the voice is fine other times its choppy, but for the player lag- it seems like its having a hard time updating player positions. I have tried the above settings and everything that help page sait but its still the same. I'm just wondering, has there been any changes on the server side that would cause this? I have heard other people say that the voice chat has become a little choppy for them in the last couple days.


I have also tried playing this on my netbook. Although I only got 9 fps, the lagg was still there.

also, the internet company will be here any minute to change out the box on the back of my house and the node by the street, and seeing that the street is 1/4 mile away (farm) im going to try to get them to run new wire to my house.


would a video demo help?

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ok so here's an update:


My isp (tds telecom) has come out to my house and changed the node and the box at the back of my house, they have also switched out the card at there main hub server and replaced it with a brand new one. I am still having lagg on the server although it seems like my choke has gone down a bit. I have tried more servers and the lagg is hit or miss... it seems to be mostly happening on hg servers. I am about to try out a DoDs server as well as a tf2 server and see if its any different...


I would hate to have to stop playing on the hg jailbreak server because it is bu far the best one I have found. I played on another server about a week ago (some crappy little server with about 14 people in it and they kicked me for "killing the lead every round".


anyways I will post more info when i get it.

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