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Big Day Ahead.

Kurosaki Ichigo

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Tomorrow will be probably one of the most important days of my life. Tomorrow will be day that I get to find out if I am qualified for SSI (Social Security Income). Now what does that mean and why do I need it? Well to explain this, I will make this short and sweet. I suffer from many mental disorders, one being the worst of them all which is PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.) If you don't know what it is then please look it up on Google because the definition of this order is to long for me to explain. Along with a few other mental disorders, I am unable to manage money, have a job, etc. Basically if I do get accepted for SSI, I will get money each money to help support not only my family, but myself. This may be a shock to many of you, but some of you know that I have problems. Tomorrow is going to be a sort of test day to see if I qualify for SSI benefits. With this money, I will be able to get more things that I want and to help support my family, due to the fact that I can't have a job with the disorders I have. No, this has not prevented me from still looking for a job, but many people have told me that I honestly, in the mental condition I am in, that I would not be able to manage my own money without help of my grandma. You can make fun of me all you want, because honestly, I would be used to this. Anyways, this is the second time I have applied for SSI. The first time I was rejected because the doctor that did my exam said that he saw no problems with me whatsoever, when in truth, there are many things wrong with me. I am very nervous because this will most likely be my last chance to get qualified for SSI benefits. Don't ask why I posted this thread, I just felt that I should let people know what is going on with me. Wish me luck, and I hope I get accepted for SSI benefits. By the way, I will not know for sure till about a month or two after my exam, so if I get news early, I will let you guys know.

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i get ssi, it was a fairly easy process. you'll get it don't worry. good luck tho


Yeah but you don't understand the doctor I had for my exam. He basically felt as if I wasted his time. In my opinion, it's a very hard process. The examiner has to look at your case carefully and think about if the person is or is not qualified. I have a long medical history, which, according to the doctor that did my exam, showed no signs of mental disability. He obviously hasn't seen my daily routine because all of my other doctors, social workers, etc, say that I have serious mental issues and that I really need to get back on SSI. My one doctor even said that he would go up to SS and put up a fight if he had to. I take 3 mental medications. So, if you think that getting SSI is easy, then you were lucky that your examiner didn't look at your case like it was a joke. Because if he knew exactly how my life has been, he would've thought twice about the decision.

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i actually had a social worker go with me to s.s. and that seemed to make it easier as well as more plausable, so i would suggest asking your social worker if he or she can attend.


Well, I don't have a social worker. I had one a long time ago, but then they said that I didn't need one so yeah....

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