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Nick Name For Me.

Kurosaki Ichigo

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Okay well as many of you probably know, my IGN (In Game Name) is a foreign name from an anime/manga I truly love/worship. Only problem with this name is that, no one can pronounce it correctly without me having to say it for them. So, since I first joined HG on 02/18/11, I have been given several nicknames ranging from Ichi to Itchy Balls. Now, my question is this. If I were to make a poll (which I'm not seeing as though it is pointless), and I told you to pick a nickname for me and the choices were Ichi or Itchy Balls, which would you chose? Just for laughs, I want to know why you chose my nick name. So please, feel free to put anything you want that is topic related only!


-Happy Gaming


Kurosaki Ichigo

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