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all JAILBREAK need to read


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I think it's hard to gauge any mic control at all - it's so circumstantial


remove the volleyball


more well developed rules


more drugs spawn per round


drugs need to have a more diverse purpose - just selling them is rather boring. Why the hell can't you use them during that round or future rounds (if you survive to the end of the round it gets saved to our stash that you can access)


Cocaine: Faster movement / attack speed but you take health damage


Marijuana: +100 health but drug blur


Heroin: faster move speed / attack speed but take health damage (less than cocaine)


Alcohol: +50 health but drug blur (less than Marijuana)


acid: absolutely fucked up but insane stats (Maybe you can even get lower gravity)


CTs can also take drugs but they lose rep in the process - bit of a last resort option.


Also, CT perks are pretty fucking weak. Have to be honest that you need to offer more incentive - such as CT Room (as opposed to admin room) with awps, riot gear, etc. that you get access to at a certain rank.


The opportunity for gang minigames (during certain rounds at random,) gang members are forced into solitary and all CTs get a rep bonus for every gang member in solitary - obviously the gang members will end up rabbling and it mixes things up for a change. Make it challenge to control gangs in JB.


Also gang members should be able to kill other gang members - ff on for them?



dont force CTs out of armory - but start having them take damage if they not moving in armory or something. There are wardays in armory after all




Don't let normal admins have access to drug, gravity etc. They can't handle the temptation so just get rid of their access to it


get rid of !teamlock - it's silly and a !tlist time (just like ban time) would be even better. Just have it identical to the current ban system where only trusted admins can ban permanently and trusted admins can tlist permanently. Also prevents abuse since people can rejoin and lose their !teamlock. Other admins will not know etc.



Also a !admins command to see ALL admins ingame. I cant count the number of times i've muted an admin for being a twat and getting bitched at by him in admin chat.


Priority speaker mode - admins can talk whenever and they can !priority someone (just like in TS) to force mute everyone when he is talking. Automatic for the first ct to press ! perhaps?


DJ / Music Bot - Maybe a bot can sit in spectator and play music as requested (Isengard, Pirate Day, Cha-Cha Slide) etc. to remove need and issue of HLDJ.


seriously the most important thing here is to fix the fucking rules. 90% of people who play JB are honest and will slay themselves if there is a rule in MOTD they broke - problem is MOTD got wiped and the new rules are just not sufficient

Edited by laos
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I agree with Faithless on the idea of a mic-priority mod. Let lead have priority, CTs have "second" priority, and then Ts. This would require a good deal of work, but if it is possible, it sounds like the ideal solution. Too many problems can all be traced back to mics. What I DON'T think is a good idea is that of T's not being able to use their mics at all. That is one of the big differences that draws people to HG jail over eGO, the freedom for both teams.

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CT's out of armory, we need a system like the admin room has that just kicks all the CT's out of armory at a certain time.


We need a system where if a CT is afk for 3 rounds running, they are kicked onto the spectator.


If we are keeping the drugs/gangs system, we need to be able to have players create their own gangs and not have just two.


NEW AREAS, there's only so much we can do with the current map we have, and we have the entire space that Hammer Editor can offer us at our disposal. May I suggest maybe the jails main gate accompanied by a small road with a few houses to hide in/rebel from? Or maybe a visiting room, you know, with the phones that people have to speak through, that kind of place.


Can we bring last reaction/first reaction word tarps back? Most players found them alright and it kind of made that game more intense.


I'll try and bring more ideas to the table, but this is all I have for now.

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Don't let normal admins have access to drug, gravity etc. They can't handle the temptation so just get rid of their access to it


get rid of !teamlock - it's silly and a !tlist time (just like ban time) would be even better. Just have it identical to the current ban system where only trusted admins can ban permanently and trusted admins can tlist permanently. Also prevents abuse since people can rejoin and lose their !teamlock. Other admins will not know etc.



Also a !admins command to see ALL admins ingame. I cant count the number of times i've muted an admin for being a twat and getting bitched at by him in admin chat.



1. Read the admin rules, it says not to use banned commands and its written on the forums in blood to not use them or else.


2. teamlock is silly? it works. also giving tlist to people that just buy admin would be insane. i imagine that people who mistakenly join CT the first time they play and freekill a bunch would be t-listed for an exorbitant amount of time (albeit they were in the wrong but the motd no longer says "if its your first time please play t" anymore) whereas the people that handle the t-lists have been playing jb for a looong time.


3. sm_who in console not hard.


suggestion: limit on opinionated days in a row. countless times i've joined JB lately and for about 7-10 rounds straight its been "big cage opinionated day" i enjoy them, but telling a joke every other round gets a little boring...

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What I would REALLY love to see is since we already have the script that assigns lead, why can't we have the server do a tsay that says "LEAD IS DEAD - LEAD IS DEAD - LEAD IS DEAD" whenever they get killed? Or have a unique alarm or something that goes off letting everyone know that lead is dead.


Then, we could have the first CT to type ! after the lead dead message be assigned the new lead CT.


IMO this would prevent a lot of freekilling when lead dies and t's start running everywhere and the CT's don't realize that lead died and start shooting them all.



Also, it would be cool to have a !resign command when some derp CT does ! at the beginning of the round and doesn't have a mic.

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I agree with Faithless on the idea of a mic-priority mod. Let lead have priority, CTs have "second" priority, and then Ts. This would require a good deal of work, but if it is possible, it sounds like the ideal solution. Too many problems can all be traced back to mics. What I DON'T think is a good idea is that of T's not being able to use their mics at all. That is one of the big differences that draws people to HG jail over eGO, the freedom for both teams.


I have to agree. A mic priority system would be excellent. Honestly, T's don't need to be talking at all.

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Make super zombie freedays and zombie freedays illegal, let people go into armory through first cell unless lead goes against it, prevent first cell from getting the bomb, remove pool i honestly dont understand the point of it in other words its pretty useless, add something to make soccer special, make a way that leads wont be lead round after round after round aft.....

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rulewise: I say CTs out of armory by 5:30, no excessive ball spamming with that noise.


micwise: im sure the coding would be extremely difficult, but maybe having 6 mic slots open and they fill up with each person who accesses it? that way buffer overflows are minimal/spamming/trolling, etc


mapwise: it's perfect. completely versatile


Make use of the lead message tpo dedicate one slot to lead for the round

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What I would REALLY love to see is since we already have the script that assigns lead, why can't we have the server do a tsay that says "LEAD IS DEAD - LEAD IS DEAD - LEAD IS DEAD" whenever they get killed? Or have a unique alarm or something that goes off letting everyone know that lead is dead.


Then, we could have the first CT to type ! after the lead dead message be assigned the new lead CT.


IMO this would prevent a lot of freekilling when lead dies and t's start running everywhere and the CT's don't realize that lead died and start shooting them all.



Also, it would be cool to have a !resign command when some derp CT does ! at the beginning of the round and doesn't have a mic.


rather than have the server notices about lead in group chat, like lead, lr, and other stuff, have it display where the quake noises would play(tsay?)

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rather than have the server notices about lead in group chat, like lead, lr, and other stuff, have it display where the quake noises would play(tsay?)


I did mention using tsay for lead is dead in the post you quoted, but I agree it should also do it for last reaction as well.

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- Change obs abit? kinda gets old and we need a new challenge :)

- Add speed run

- Mic spam...not gunna say more as it has already been mentioned...and mentioned...and whadayou know? mentioned again...

- Add Office at the back of inferm (you know...for when I need a little peace and quite when I'm doing my work)

- Add a sign that sais Dr Obvious' office next to office

- make USP spawn randomly in a cell, so that it isn't always in USP cell

- Make freekilling Batters allowed

- Hmm...add more ideas to this list

- Make a vent that goes from obs, to soccer (I know, already done, but I'm thinking under it), and than to pool. Pool vent, not rly helpful when rebelling and trying to get outa there :P

- Fix the gun removal things at soccer and knife arena, as when someone stands in them, it cancels the effect for everyone else that goes though.

- Make a crosshair room in memory of his amazing work on the server (and the gifts he gave ;) )

- Everything mentioned by other people in this thread...

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I think...

- The vents in pool should lead somewhere else like soccer to make rebellers want to get into them more

- Make the infirm healing slower

- Rules about tarping the T's (I know, hypocritical lol)

- Different skins for different gang members

- The person holding them bomb should not be able to be killed unless it is a head shot

- Rebellers going into pool should have something more than smokes to aim for

- Renovate red light/green light to make it more enjoyable

- If USP will only spawn in one cell, give it more ammo. If it spawns in more than one, keep the ammo the same

- There should be an addition when lead dies so another can take lead (by pressing a button or something) and take the priority speaker, also.

- Give T's an rtv system for a new lead if possible

In opposition to other people's posts...

- The admin has been fixed. Paying admins can't use banned commands anymore (except for dizzy)

- A T-list command should not be able to be used by a paying admin

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THIS SO MUCH. Make it so like for example: 20 players press their mic transmit buttons, but only the first 3 players to press their buttons can only be heard. There's definitely no reason for so many people to be talking at once and creates a lot of server lag and buffer overflows.


It's a good idea, aside from the fact that the people who mic spam are usually the first to press their mic button. We just need to mute more people.


It would be neat to be able to toggle alltalk so that people can use mics but only for their team. But that seems a little difficult.

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1. I request that a ranking system based on kills of guards and of kills of prisoners (who were rebelling) be re-instated.


2. I liked the drugs, but work on em. Definitely need to add some player effects into the mix (cocaine gives you 2-5% speed boost, Cigarettes make you jump higher, Heroin=kill thingy, Weed=trippy visuals etc)


3. Freekills are more rampant than hair on my body (trust me im arab). A chat function that would allow a player to directly chat with an admin (can be toggled if admin is in spec, not currently playing unless allowed) would allow for reporting that is better. As it currently stands, I get FK'd about every 6 rounds or so (literally, from DERP CTS >:o)


4. Bring back "Last reaction Derps/jehovah/whatever" those shits were amusing...i still dont get the reason they were banned, lvl 2 word tarps man.


5. Make a chat function to make the word "trap" be changed to "tarp" everytime.


6. Definitely need to add some more rooms. Disco room would be nice/ along with a Meeting room (with a huge 50 Seat table for all the server). Upgrades to kitchen, pool (add more tunnels and entrances, leading to random places or new rooms, make the showers more elaborate ((maybe a steam effect when you turn the handle)), armoury vents and knife arena vents (MAKE THEM BREAKABLE FROM THE TOP...not even guns can do it)


7. Make pool Volleyball work. It looks Fackin' sweet.


8. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE: Mute rawr ash and never let her sing another note again...Jesus Christ it's like a fucking shotgun blast to the ears everytime....Fuck man....like fuckkkk.... :)


I got a couple more, but this is the jist of it.




EDIT: Make another outside area (we need tans!) and rennovate OBS (Make it different buttons to change the course)

Edited by Watermelon Jackson
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Add on to what i said.

1. kick the drugs but keep the reparation thing as well as the prison groups. (All that people did was looking for drugs, including cts)

2. Like Laz, faithless and cal said, Have at least 10 seconds from the beginning of the round to insure that clear first orders are given.

3. Add a speed run or a death race.

4. Be a little more specific in the motd about what you can and cant do.

5. add more skins for premium. (Hats would be nicer)



8. Different Obstacle.(Old one is getting old)

9. Bigger solitary. (maybe even have it be its own room instead of a room inside of a room.

10. MORE LONG JUMPS. (other than Fountain jump, like levels from easy to hard or something.)

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get rid of the volley ball

put a diving board in pool

have t's muted til 5:00

add jeopardy room

drugs are stupid but the rep is good with gangs (ie if you kill a rebeler or kill a ct you get rep)

maybe a new room that is designed as a warday area

a stairway that leads to no where

a score board that list the top 10 players on jb(conan is #1 cuz he is pro)

a room that is just smash cannons added in

also if you could make the button that opens cells only openable by ct's would be good

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