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Any help?

Doctor Derp

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Lol BooT Ill take you into a private match and show you a few things :P also i might be able to get that mod working as my brother and his girlfriend are going to college for C++ coding and have taught me a few things, if not ill see if they can do anything with it :)

Edited by Doctor Derp
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There are several things that you can do to help the community out. Make ban reports/requests. Purchase admin to help keep the servers under control. Donate you time and help others (either in TS or in the servers)


HG is currently looking for some Application Moderators, you can always apply for that. :)

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The procedure to becoming an AppModerator is being reviewed. Once I get home, I'll be posting some more information for those who are interested in applying.


I will also be replying to those who PMed me when I'm not busy.

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Application Moderator would be sick.

Anyways, I really do need to get better at 10mans. Forsrs. I almost ragequit the 10man I was in today because I got carried.

As T I am useless. CT I get lucky with the M4.

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