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Requesting Admin Chat Colour Changer


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Mostly when admins type to other players in admin chat it is usually in the same colour as the console messges.


For Example




It's really hard for other players to read All Admin chat. SO is it possible if we can have the color for All Admin Chat be red or blue or maybe black? It will be easier for other players to read it.


#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>

public Plugin:myinfo = 
   name = "Basic Chat",
   author = "AlliedModders LLC",
   description = "Basic Communication Commands",
   url = "http://www.sourcemod.net/"

#define CHAT_SYMBOL '@'

new String:g_ColorNames[13][10] = {"White", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Yellow", "Purple", "Cyan", "Orange", "Pink", "Olive", "Lime", "Violet", "Lightblue"};
new g_Colors[13][3] = {{255,255,255},{255,0,0},{0,255,0},{0,0,255},{255,255,0},{255,0,255},{0,255,255},{255,128,0},{255,0,128},{128,255,0},{0,255,128},{128,0,255},{0,128,255}};

new Handle:g_Cvar_Chatmode = INVALID_HANDLE;

new bool:g_DoColor = true;

new g_GameEngine = SOURCE_SDK_UNKNOWN;

public OnPluginStart()

   g_GameEngine = GuessSDKVersion();

   g_Cvar_Chatmode = CreateConVar("sm_chat_mode", "1", "Allows player's to send messages to admin chat.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);

   RegConsoleCmd("say", Command_SayChat);
   RegConsoleCmd("say_team", Command_SayAdmin);        
   RegAdminCmd("sm_say", Command_SmSay, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_say <message> - sends message to all players");
   RegAdminCmd("sm_csay", Command_SmCsay, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_csay <message> - sends centered message to all players");

   /* HintText does not work on Dark Messiah */
   if (g_GameEngine != SOURCE_SDK_DARKMESSIAH)
       RegAdminCmd("sm_hsay", Command_SmHsay, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_hsay <message> - sends hint message to all players");    

   RegAdminCmd("sm_tsay", Command_SmTsay, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_tsay [color] <message> - sends top-left message to all players");
   RegAdminCmd("sm_chat", Command_SmChat, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_chat <message> - sends message to admins");
   RegAdminCmd("sm_psay", Command_SmPsay, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_psay <name or #userid> <message> - sends private message");
   RegAdminCmd("sm_msay", Command_SmMsay, ADMFLAG_CHAT, "sm_msay <message> - sends message as a menu panel");

   decl String:modname[64];
   GetGameFolderName(modname, sizeof(modname));

   if (strcmp(modname, "hl2mp") == 0)
       g_DoColor = false;

public Action:Command_SayChat(client, args)
   decl String:text[192];
   if (IsChatTrigger() || GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text)) < 1)
       return Plugin_Continue;

   new startidx;
   if (text[strlen(text)-1] == '"')
       text[strlen(text)-1] = '\0';
       startidx = 1;

   if (text[startidx] != CHAT_SYMBOL)
       return Plugin_Continue;

   new msgStart = 1;

   if (text[startidx+1] == CHAT_SYMBOL)
       msgStart = 2;

       if (text[startidx+2] == CHAT_SYMBOL)
           msgStart = 3;

   decl String:message[192];
   strcopy(message, 192, text[startidx+msgStart]);

   decl String:name[64];
   GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));

   if (msgStart == 1 && CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_say", ADMFLAG_CHAT)) // sm_say alias
       SendChatToAll(client, message);
       LogAction(client, -1, "%L triggered sm_say (text %s)", client, message);
   else if (msgStart == 3 && CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_csay", ADMFLAG_CHAT)) // sm_csay alias
       DisplayCenterTextToAll(client, message);
       LogAction(client, -1, "%L triggered sm_csay (text %s)", client, text);        
   else if (msgStart == 2 && CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_psay", ADMFLAG_CHAT)) // sm_psay alias
       decl String:arg[64];

       new len = BreakString(message, arg, sizeof(arg));
       new target = FindTarget(client, arg, true, false);

       if (target == -1 || len == -1)
           return Plugin_Handled;

       decl String:name2[64];
       GetClientName(target, name2, sizeof(name2));

       if (g_DoColor)
           PrintToChat(client, "\x04(Private to %s) %s: \x01%s", name2, name, message[len]);
           PrintToChat(target, "\x04(Private to %s) %s: \x01%s", name2, name, message[len]);
           PrintToChat(client, "(Private to %s) %s: %s", name2, name, message[len]);
           PrintToChat(target, "(Private to %s) %s: %s", name2, name, message[len]);            

       LogAction(client, -1, "%L triggered sm_psay to %L (text %s)", client, target, message);        
       return Plugin_Continue;

   return Plugin_Handled;    

public Action:Command_SayAdmin(client, args)
   if (!CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_chat", ADMFLAG_CHAT) && !GetConVarBool(g_Cvar_Chatmode))
       return Plugin_Continue;    

   decl String:text[192];
   if (IsChatTrigger() || GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text)) < 1)
       return Plugin_Continue;

   new startidx;
   if (text[strlen(text)-1] == '"')
       text[strlen(text)-1] = '\0';
       startidx = 1;

   if (text[startidx] != CHAT_SYMBOL)
       return Plugin_Continue;

   decl String:message[192];
   strcopy(message, 192, text[startidx+1]);

   decl String:name[64];
   GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));

   SendChatToAdmins(name, message);
   LogAction(client, -1, "%L triggered sm_chat (text %s)", client, message);

   return Plugin_Handled;    

public Action:Command_SmSay(client, args)
   if (args < 1)
       ReplyToCommand(client, "[sM] Usage: sm_say <message>");
       return Plugin_Handled;    

   decl String:text[192];
   GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

   SendChatToAll(client, text);
   LogAction(client, -1, "%L triggered sm_say (text %s)", client, text);

   return Plugin_Handled;        

public Action:Command_SmCsay(client, args)
   if (args < 1)
       ReplyToCommand(client, "[sM] Usage: sm_csay <message>");
       return Plugin_Handled;    

   decl String:text[192];
   GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

   DisplayCenterTextToAll(client, text);

   LogAction(client, -1, "%L triggered sm_csay (text %s)", client, text);

   return Plugin_Handled;        

public Action:Command_SmHsay(client, args)
   if (args < 1)
       ReplyToCommand(client, "[sM] Usage: sm_hsay <message>");
       return Plugin_Handled;  

   decl String:text[192];
   GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

   decl String:nameBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

   for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
       if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
       FormatActivitySource(client, i, nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf));
       PrintHintText(i, "%s: %s", nameBuf, text);

   LogAction(client, -1, "%L triggered sm_hsay (text %s)", client, text);

   return Plugin_Handled;    

public Action:Command_SmTsay(client, args)
   if (args < 1)
       ReplyToCommand(client, "[sM] Usage: sm_tsay <message>");
       return Plugin_Handled;  

   decl String:text[192], String:colorStr[16];
   GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

   new len = BreakString(text, colorStr, 16);

   decl String:name[64];
   GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));

   new color = FindColor(colorStr);
   new String:nameBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

   if (color == -1)
       color = 0;
       len = 0;

   for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
       if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
       FormatActivitySource(client, i, nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf));
       SendDialogToOne(i, color, "%s: %s", nameBuf, text[len]);

   LogAction(client, -1, "%L triggered sm_tsay (text %s)", client, text);

   return Plugin_Handled;    

public Action:Command_SmChat(client, args)
   if (args < 1)
       ReplyToCommand(client, "[sM] Usage: sm_chat <message>");
       return Plugin_Handled;    

   decl String:text[192];
   GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

   decl String:name[64];
   GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));

   SendChatToAdmins(name, text);
   LogAction(client, -1, "%L triggered sm_chat (text %s)", client, text);

   return Plugin_Handled;    

public Action:Command_SmPsay(client, args)
   if (args < 2)
       ReplyToCommand(client, "[sM] Usage: sm_psay <name or #userid> <message>");
       return Plugin_Handled;    

   decl String:text[192], String:arg[64], String:message[192];
   GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

   new len = BreakString(text, arg, sizeof(arg));
   BreakString(text[len], message, sizeof(message));

   new target = FindTarget(client, arg, true, false);

   if (target == -1)
       return Plugin_Handled;    

   decl String:name[64], String:name2[64];

   if (client == 0)
       name = "Console";
       GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));

   GetClientName(target, name2, sizeof(name2));

   if (client == 0)
       PrintToServer("(Private: %s) %s: %s", name2, name, message);
   else if (g_DoColor)
       PrintToChat(client, "\x04(Private: %s) %s: \x01%s", name2, name, message);
       PrintToChat(client, "(Private: %s) %s: %s", name2, name, message);

   if (g_DoColor)
       PrintToChat(target, "\x04(Private: %s) %s: \x01%s", name2, name, message);
       PrintToChat(target, "(Private: %s) %s: %s", name2, name, message);        

   LogAction(client, -1, "%L triggered sm_psay to %L (text %s)", client, target, message);

   return Plugin_Handled;    

public Action:Command_SmMsay(client, args)
   if (args < 1)
       ReplyToCommand(client, "[sM] Usage: sm_msay <message>");
       return Plugin_Handled;    

   decl String:text[192];
   GetCmdArgString(text, sizeof(text));

   decl String:name[64];
   GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));

   SendPanelToAll(name, text);

   LogAction(client, -1, "%L triggered sm_msay (text %s)", client, text);

   return Plugin_Handled;        

   for (new i = 0; i < 13; i++)
       if (strcmp(color, g_ColorNames[i], false) == 0)
           return i;

   return -1;

SendChatToAll(client, String:message[])
   new String:nameBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

   for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
       if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
       FormatActivitySource(client, i, nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf));

       if (g_DoColor)
           PrintToChat(i, "\x01\x03%s: \x01\x03%s", nameBuf, message);
           PrintToChat(i, "%s: %s", nameBuf, message);

DisplayCenterTextToAll(client, String:message[])
   new String:nameBuf[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];

   for (new i = 1; i < MaxClients; i++)
       if (!IsClientInGame(i) || IsFakeClient(i))
       FormatActivitySource(client, i, nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf));
       PrintCenterText(i, "%s: %s", nameBuf, message);

SendChatToAdmins(String:name[], String:message[])
   for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
       if (IsClientInGame(i))
           if (CheckCommandAccess(i, "sm_chat", ADMFLAG_CHAT))
               if (g_DoColor)
                   PrintToChat(i, "\x04(ADMINS ONLY) \x04%s: \x04%s", name, message);
                   PrintToChat(i, "\x04(TO ADMINS) \x04%s: \x04%s", name, message);

SendDialogToOne(client, color, String:text[], any:...)
   new String:message[100];
   VFormat(message, sizeof(message), text, 4);    

   new Handle:kv = CreateKeyValues("Stuff", "title", message);
   KvSetColor(kv, "color", g_Colors[color][0], g_Colors[color][1], g_Colors[color][2], 255);
   KvSetNum(kv, "level", 1);
   KvSetNum(kv, "time", 10);

   CreateDialog(client, kv, DialogType_Msg);


SendPanelToAll(String:name[], String:message[])
   decl String:title[100];
   Format(title, 64, "%s:", name);

   ReplaceString(message, 192, "\\n", "\n");

   new Handle:mSayPanel = CreatePanel();
   SetPanelTitle(mSayPanel, title);
   DrawPanelItem(mSayPanel, "", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);
   DrawPanelText(mSayPanel, message);
   DrawPanelItem(mSayPanel, "", ITEMDRAW_SPACER);

   SetPanelCurrentKey(mSayPanel, 10);
   DrawPanelItem(mSayPanel, "Exit", ITEMDRAW_CONTROL);

   for(new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++)
       if(IsClientInGame(i) && !IsFakeClient(i))
           SendPanelToClient(mSayPanel, i, Handler_DoNothing, 10);


public Handler_DoNothing(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2)
   /* Do nothing */


Here is the code that can change Admin Chat Colour.


If Staff would like more info about the code feel free to PM me since posting links are not allowed.

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