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HG Banlist History Error


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So I click on my HG Banlist History bookmark in Firefox and now it's coming up with this error (also tested with IE and same thing):


HG Banlist History Error


Using CCleaner I've:


--Deleted Temporary Internet Files

--Deleted Cookies

--Deleted History

--Deleted Recently Typed URLS

--Deleted Last Download Location


--Deleted Cookies

--Deleted Download History

--Deleted Internet Cache

--Deleted Internet History

and I've also cleaned out my registry.


Is it just me or are other people getting this error?



EDIT: Maybe this thread belongs in the Dev/Tech Talk/Help/Tutorials section, I don't mind if it's moved there or not.

Edited by Angel Descends
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The fact that there isn't an actual button for it on any part of the forums makes me think it was never meant to be open for us even as members. I had a link to it sent to me a while ago to show a ban reason for someone from JB and bookmarked it since then, but it seems that we aren't meant to be able to see it. Makes sense anyway, since ban reports are for Mods and Up to overlook and not even up to the members.

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That would be a PHP error stating that the portal (Everything around the banlist page) isn't printing because the function isn't defined more then likely because the import that declares all CMS functions wasn't included. Regardless it isn't something you can fix and is entirely server side. imo the page wasn't entirely accurate also and I am fairly certain it was only for JB.

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  Papa John said:
That would be a PHP error stating that the portal (Everything around the banlist page) isn't printing because the function isn't defined more then likely because the import that declares all CMS functions wasn't included. Regardless it isn't something you can fix and is entirely server side. imo the page wasn't entirely accurate also and I am fairly certain it was only for JB.


it wasnt only for JB, ive used it since i started doing banning spree's on dust2 dm eu

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  Homer said:
Correct that page was never meant for public use. We're working on a new page.


I thought so, but damn. Even though I could only see one page of most recent bans it was still handy for making ban reports easier.


Is the new page going to be meant for public use, even just [HG] and up, premium admin supports, or just for Mods and up to view?


Either way, thanks for the feedback.

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