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Teen killed his own parents, then partied in same house...


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There are plenty more websites that have such information. This shit happened just recently.. Like yesterday recently.


This act... From this kid... Is... Unfathomable. Unrealistic. Shocking. Ludicrous. Immoral. Devilish. Fucked up...


Please, to all you people out there doing drugs, think before you take them. Think about the consequences of each drug you take, the side effects, long term illnesses, emotional addictiveness, think about what may happen when you use those drugs, and what happens if you get caught by the police? What happens if you try to buy but instead get jumped and possibly even raped? Think about all the negative outcomes you can go through just for doing drugs. Yes this is a very rare scenario, but none the less taking drugs can most definitely alter your mindset and/or mentality depending on who your with at the times, depending on the environment your in, depending on how many drugs your on, depending on where you are... And ofcourse depending on how your body reacts to it, how your mind receives harsh treatments for your own selfish wants, popping brain cells making you dumber everytime you do a drug. Very minor yes, but do it all the time, everyday? It WILL destroy you, mentally AND physically.


Getting caught with 1 bag of coke or something thats more stronger than marijuana can get you locked up for a while. And depending on where you are when caught? More or less. Doesnt matter if your white, black, asian, latino, whatever, you gon get time... And if you dont? Better pay up those lawyers hungry for your money...


Let this 1 case make you think. Think hard on what drugs can do if your not aware or strong enough to control your body/mind.


Is it worth it?

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This kid had problems bigger then drugs....this kid seemed to have Serious issues before he took the pills.....crazy shit

exactly this^

He may had other big problems before he even started drugs

and have you also thought that his parents may tortured him or didn't even think of him as their kid?

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this is horrible, but +1 for underlying reasons, drugs may alter your state of mind at the time but im not gunna go take a hit of something and then just be like fuck it im killing my parents, the issues had to be there before the drugs, sure drugs may have helped escalate the issue but you have to be aware of what your taking and the state of mind you are before taking them.

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Its not always the drugs that fuck up a person, its the person that does the drugs. I mean, if you have problems then you obviously shouldnt be taking ecstasy cause all that does is increase your serotonin levels and dopamine levels. It just makes you experience more. So a depressed person will just become more depressed. However, Im not condoning drugs, but if you are completely sane and normal then it wont be as bad for you. just my 2cents, Dont blame the drugs blame the taker.

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If I really wanted to, and took my time making this thread, I could have typed a whole lot more about other point of views and other possibilities as to why he did such acts. But no one would of read it. Had to make it short.


When I posted this thread, I didnt know everything, only heard half the story. But knowing that he had mental issues before, and claiming he seen the devil + taking 3 E pills = Killing parents... You guys are right, he had a problem before the drugs. But we all know that drugs do alter mentalities, especially if your emotionally addicted. All your priorities, morals, principles, logic, emotions change drastically.


Zeon, you know damn well the defensive lawyers gonna do what they can to get this kid less time in prison/asylum... Its their job, morally or immorally.


And Ven, you have a point there. Parents. What if's... But looking at those pictures, reading numerous articles from various websites, watching the news on CNN and NBC, all having similar stories, and nothing about parents treating their kid negatively.

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