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Amy Winehosue is DEAD!!!!


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Damn that sucks, well, 8 more days and I'll be safe. out of that 27 club... actually might be cool to die from massive weed intake... yeaaa

80+ people die in Norway from a terrorist attack and everyones upset about Amy Winehouse, a mediocre singer who refused rehab for her DRUG ADDICTIONS WHICH IS WHAT PROBABLY KILLED HER. I have no respect for that especially when people should be SAD ABOUT CHILDREN DIEING.

Oh i heard! thats fucked up because that shit does not happen there, much much worse bro...

i care becaus?

I care because you do :\

wait... we dont care do we?

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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80+ people die in Norway from a terrorist attack and everyones upset about Amy Winehouse, a mediocre singer who refused rehab for her DRUG ADDICTIONS WHICH IS WHAT PROBABLY KILLED HER. I have no respect for that especially when people should be SAD ABOUT CHILDREN DIEING.


Shoulda made a post about it!

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Young person+too much money+fame = disaster, a lot of the time.


Drugs are bad.


There are much more important matters in the world to be thinking/mourning over than one famous chick who dies from drugs.

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80+ people die in Norway from a terrorist attack and everyones upset about Amy Winehouse, a mediocre singer who refused rehab for her DRUG ADDICTIONS WHICH IS WHAT PROBABLY KILLED HER. I have no respect for that especially when people should be SAD ABOUT CHILDREN DIEING.


It WAS NEVER a terrorist attack. Blonde dude with blue eyes killed 80+ in Norway, you know why? Political reasons.

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It WAS NEVER a terrorist attack. Blonde dude with blue eyes killed 80+ in Norway, you know why? Political reasons.





a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.


a person who terrorizes or frightens others.


(formerly) a member of a political group in russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror.


no turban so he cant be a terrorist right?

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a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.


a person who terrorizes or frightens others.


(formerly) a member of a political group in russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror.


no turban so he cant be a terrorist right?


This. I don't know why (a majority of) the world thinks Terrorist = Muslim/Guy with a turban.


Da fuuck.

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Jake. I was just reading more about the situation, and I clearly read 1 wrong story from 1 website, which lead me to say such things. My dumb ass jumped to conclusion. Should of read more, watched more before judging this case.


Poison Ivy, I never said only Muslims are terrorists. Trust me on this, I know MUCH more about religion than seems.


I meant to say more though, I was just lazy to type it out. This Caucasian male that killed 90+ people in Norway IS a terrorist (Jake reminded me), just the opposite of the "usual" attacks. As in, instead of a Muslim, he was Anti Muslim.


Majority of Muslims do not believe in violence. Those attacks, or terror attacks you see around the world made by Extreme Muslims make up only a small percentage. Now if you wanna talk about Christians, and what they did in the past..... Wooo.


Also with all the internet freedom we have, the news medias, newspapers, magazines, we are more exposed to such news.

Edited by Bearthug
(Jake reminded me)
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Those 92 people (4 still missing) in Norway who died didn't choose to die. They were killed by a man who chose to carry out a evil deed.


When Amy Winehouse started taking drugs, she chose to do that, thus she chose to die.

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