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Heroes of Newerth goes Free-to-Play(?)


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That's right as the title suggest this upcoming Friday, 29-07-2011, Heroes of Newerth is been spectulated to go free as seen from many gaming news sources, Heroes of Newerth forum threads and many other websites. So, whether you've been saving up to buy the game or whether you have always been put off by its retail price, Friday is your chance to grab Heroes of Newerth for free.


But what does this mean for those who have already bought the game?


Well aside from the ability to find games faster with a huge influx of new players, nothing really changes for you. For those of you who bought the game before upcoming Friday you still recieve all Heroes and keep all of your coins.


So what does this mean for those who go Free-to-Play?


For those of you who go Free-to-Play you will be limited so only a selection of Heroes, meaning you will need to work your way up to buying the Heroes using the in-game currency or possibly buying the game for its retail.


So, what are your thoughts on this subject? Is this a good move by S2Games? I certainly think so, but keep in mind this is only speculation.


I hope to see some of you in-game for a friendly match.

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After it's free, will the 30 dollar fee still get you all the heroes? Also, will those of us who have already paid automatically unlock the new heroes? Post if you got info.


The $30 fee will probably get you all Heroes, like I said, Free-to-Play only get a selection, so I'm sure S2Games will not rid of the retail price.


Those who have already paid will most likely get new Heroes. We will have to wait until Friday.

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basically, although now the only diff is that dota technically isnt free


Technically speaking that is true. But if you take it from the point of view that DotA is actually a mod rather than a game, yes it is free.

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makes this the same as LoL, just diff chars and such

I don't see how this makes it like LoL at all. We restructured our leadership similar to eGO but we aren't the same as eGO now are we? Business tactics are not what defines a game. What would make this like LoL would be the following:

1. Runes are removed making playing mid less difficult and challenging.

2. Creep denying is removed making lanning less difficult and challenging

3. Creep blocking is removed

4. Creep pulling is removed

5. WoW-like talent trees are added

6. out-of-hero summoner spells are added

7. Rune trees are added


Let me know when that happens

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According to what I have read, it states that people that bought the game before it went F2P, their accounts are known as "Legacy" and that these type of accounts are no longer available to the public. Also, it stated that if you would like to purchase characters that you can buy them by buying in game points, aka Gold Goblin Coins and you can earn them by playing the game. So, I guess that is a good thing because each week we F2P players will have a chance to try 15 different characters per week, according to the HoN F2P FAQ on their website.

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You just went full retard.


I would sig... but you mad cuz British.


As far as competitive, EVERYONE on HoN is some euro tryhard, while everyone in Ranked LoL play is some troll doucher or Brazilian. Huehuehuehue. HoN is easily a much greater challenge as far as speed, last hitting, team fighting, and general map awareness. Just because I suck at HoN right now, I will say that LoL seems to be the more fun game, but HoN's competitive circuit is much more... competitive.

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