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Shoubaka and that one time on TS...


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So about a month ago shoubaka was on TS, and we had about 30 people in the channel with us? Well I started fraps while we were playing minecraft, but then things got intense when shoubaka THREATENED HIS MOM AT KNIFE POINT to make him a sandwich, he also faked cutting himself with the knife. Hilarity insured and I stopped minecraft and started to record the full TS window with fraps in full 1080 resolution. The resulting recordings ended up to be over 200Gigs of data. Yes, 200 GB. So I think I am going to get off of my lazy ass and start editing this huge file, there is alot of unneeded time between the craziness, and subtitles will be needed for the parts that are hard to understand. Since I'm going on vacation for a week, I will edit this video when I'm back in my hotel room and on plane rides. Hope it's up soon.


Also, my signature will always be a quote from this awesome moment that was recorded.

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