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CT voice confirmation?


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Not confirmation, but more so that lead CT is the only one that can speak for the first few minutes of the game. Rest of the CT's get muted just before the T's.


^^THIS + 98349283498234



Have the server mute all CT's and unmute whoever is assigned lead. If they don't have a mic or whatever, admin can just unmute all ct's and then someone else can take it.

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Two problems with that. 1, I think you means seconds, not minutes. two, maybe for a couple seconds (like 10-20 seconds) mute to get things in order. I don't think there is need of more time as it is enouth to give a generic order, and if they choose to pass lead it can be done swiftly and before cells should open without any admin need.

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IMHO people should be smart enough to not talk while ct gives orders.


If only everybody thought like this. Unfortunately, there are just too many derps out there so muting all CT's, or even including T's tbo, for the first minute or two would be the best solution to reduce mic spamming, for a short period of time anyway.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't have a mic, it doesn't seem fair that I should not be allowed on CT. Same with a lot of other players who are skilled but would be restricted because they don't have a headset. You only need a mic to lead, not to just play. Whenever I get lead, I just pass it to someone who has a mic. Not hard.

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